Stephanie Thorsten had an interesting discussion with a class mate - TopicsExpress


Stephanie Thorsten had an interesting discussion with a class mate about race relations in the city/Ferguson and she touched on while the were having their conversation, he brought up Slavery. Why is it that when we as white people have a dialog about race the first thing a black person brings up is race? Like my grandma says, How do we know where we are going, when we dont know where we come from? In order to understand what her class mate was saying? You have to first understand where he is coming from? God, I wish we had someone like MLK here today that can reach across the divide and explain this better then I could. But, it is just me. In order to understand why he brought up slavery, is because even in todays society, we are still looked upon as second class citizens and we are always viewed as someone with bad credit or someone that has at least 2 to 3 baby mamas. Or, having children and being a co-star on the Maury show. Slavery is a ugly history and it is what we as blacks pull out to push the button of white America, as we call it white guilt. It is a safe place for us to go when we fell like YOU have it all handed to you and we have to struggle for it all. Its not fair but, it is the truth. And I said it once and I will say it again......this site is to open up the things that divide and pull apart and I am NOT going to hold back! Now, what is her class mate was trying to get across to her is he, as a black male in America would have to work twice as hard to get at least half of what she will have in her life. No one walks behind you in Macys as you are shopping, no one is telling you we dont have layway, no one is telling you they dont keep cash in the store. No, one is pulling over in Ladue because you are a black women rolling on a Harley at 1pm in the afternoon (Me). The reason why we bring up slavery is because, right now we feel like we ARE still there and we have not been full accepted. Back in the slavery days, we had to have a go pass to travel from one plantation to another. And in todays times it feels like we still have an invisible go pass. Watched by the police, watched by store security, placed in a section of the city that people DARE not go, because we are perceived as a bunch of animals? Cant drive down the street with out being stopped (driving while black). I had an experience with my best friend one day, we got lost in Fenton....looking for the Olive Garden and we pulled up in Wal-Mart and I rolled down the window to ask for directions and the gentleman who was white, ignored me, but when my best friend who is white ask? Well, he was more than happy to help! WTF! So, I tease her and say, you ask, you speak white. Yep! I sure did, and when I did? I got to thinking? Has it come down to this? I am invisible to him because I am black? Did he not see ME? Did he only see a Black girl? not woman, Black girl. If white America see us as second class? Then why in the hell do I NEED to try? As a black man, Stephanie Thorsten class mate likely feels this way all day everyday. And, all he was trying to do is make her, understand what it is like for him. Now, he is not look for hand outs, he is not out rioting and protesting, he is not looting and destroying. He is in school trying to advance his future and make a point and give a glimpse into his psyche. Like I told her in my response, it is a good step and a honest step for him to go there. You may feel uncomfortable during that conversation about this? but, he feels uncomfortable everyday. If you all remember when Charlie Dooley, went out to the masses during the riot, he was heckled and booed by the crowd. The reason being because he was no longer on of them he was a sale out, a uncle tom. someone asked me is there ANYONE that can bridge the races and stop this madness? Then you have the honorable senator Nasheed, the reason why the crowd responses her the way they do is because she puts on a front that she is from the people. And, unlike Charlie Dooley she is from the hood and she feels their pain, and the reason she relates to the crowd shes like them elected from the streets and preaches of separation. That ole slave mentality is what she uses to put the fear in to the people that no one is for them and she is going to be the voice of the people. Black people are looking for someone.....anyone that will step up and lead, but in order to lead you first must hate whitey you must hate Darren Wilson, you must be ready to disconnected from main stream and separate. There is no true leader that comes to mind for me, because to do that is to be a separatist. We are the United States of America, the most powerful country in the world. And, in this day and age we are still hook up on race? When I say United Stated of America? the only word that jumps out to me IS the word UNITED. Why as a black man or black woman in out America we still feel invisible? We can elect a black President in office, we can appoint a black Secretary of State, we can appoint a black Chief of Staff, We can promote a five star general. But, we CANT promote peace? and, that is the question that is STILL invisible. My Thoughts.
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 03:11:26 +0000

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