Stephen Hawking has abandoned his theory of Black - TopicsExpress


Stephen Hawking has abandoned his theory of Black Holes 02-04-2014, 05:36 PM In the on line paper released by Stephen Hawking on 24.1.2014, he calls it his blunder. Read more in this link “In his paper, Hawking writes: This suggests that black holes should be redefined as metastable bound states of the gravitational field.” In a simple word he confirms the theory of M T Keshe about the creation of Black Holes of what Keshe calls the Principal stars magnetic fields (in possession of both gravitational and magnetic fields) to be correct and that these environments in the universe, be they in the center of the universe, galaxies, protons or electrons, they are all the sources of energy and magnetic fields in their environment and the origin of life of that entity. The reason they are so dark is fully explained in the paper by M T keshe (Author of the paper ‘The creation of Black hole’ (original version 2004) and the revised version published in his book ‘The origin of the universe’ in 2011 page 151 (1). M. T. Keshe contradicted Stephen Hawking`s false assumption in his very first paper submitted for peer review in 2004 to Royal Astronomical society. In the recent years and months, Keshe has put forward many new clear theories in how wrong Stephen Hawking`s assumptions have been about his Black hole theories. Now keshe says “The unfounded theory by Stephen Hawking for the past thirty years that Black holes are giant eating machines, and keeping the same rhetoric up to 2004 is finally over”, with Stephen Hawking bows out after ten years of battle confused and disorientated about his own theory about the Black hole. The unknown history about these two scientists: In April of 2004, M T Keshe submitted a paper entitled ‘The creation Black Holes’, for peer review to Royal Astronomical society. On the same day in July the 8th in 2004 as M T Keshe Received a letter from Royal Astronomical society stating that his paper about creation of the Black Holes will not be published, and the Society will be keep the paper in their library, Stephen Hawking coincidentally on the same day (8.7.2004) said publicly that he had changed his mind and that Black Holes do indeed leak radiation and had lost a bet to his friend. Later on that month, at the Dublin conference on 21.7.2004, with the use of many equations he did not convince any of the people attending the meeting as to the reason for his U-turn. In his paper, M T keshe confirms that light and radiation escapes from Principal stars (Black holes) and he confirms that the Black holes, are in essence the birthplace of matter and source of creation in the universe. In any case, Keshe Foundation has published the revised version of the paper in the book ‘The origin of the universe’ ISBN 978 94 60870002 in 2011, and the copy of the original letter from the Royal Astronomical society were released in this book page 177 as an appendix to the ‘The creation of Black hole’ paper and that Black holes release radiation and they are the sources of life. Keshe says “ In the book in an open letter placed before the original paper, he mentions about the coincidence of the date of his letter and the scientist changing his mind after thirty years. Further, it took three years until now from Keshe publishing his book for Hawking to find a way out with the release of his 2014 paper. Keshe say, “I wonder if we are ever going to receive a letter of apology from Mr. Hawking or the Royal Astronomical society.” Keshe says that Mr. Stephen Hawking in this open paper has not said anything new and he is just as an eminent scientist confirming our findings. M T Keshe has said in his latest interviews and on line workshops in 2014 “three days after I gave a lecture in Leuven city in Belgium in 2011 about the book, Stephen Hawking turned up in the same university out of nowhere and gives a lecture under the same name as the book ‘The origin of the universe’ (check the Belgium press). With the release of this paper, Stephen Hawking is trying to limit his exposure, as no one would have known about M T Keshe in 2004, when he was an obscure and unknown scientist. Because of this obscurity, the Royal Astronomical Society and Stephen Hawking could try to walk away with the glory of being a reputable institute and a man of intelligence who could change his mind. Now that finally Stephen Hawking has decided to bow out and with it at the same time acknowledges the correct findings of M T Keshe, says with this change of mind nearly ten years later. Keshe says “so after ten years of battle to publish my paper to show its contents were the correct principles about the workings of Principal stars (Black holes), the cover-up attempts of the Royal Astronomical society and Stephen Hawking have come to an abrupt end.” Keshe has said, “We do not think that the Royal Astronomical society has any more creditability in the world of science to be a peer review journal, as it shows their peer-review is nothing but a disgrace and manipulation by scientists whose opinions they rely on. These thieves of the peer-review bodies silence new and correct discoveries for their private or personal benefits. Now we hope readers understand why the Keshe Foundation releases its knowledge and technology directly to public as they have done recently with their Fukushima decontamination video and their 9th workshop (3,4) with open disclosure of new methods of producing Nano materials at zero costs, in how decontamination of Fukushima’s land and water can be carried out and how he keeps their work out of the dishonest and false structured peer review organizations and their disgraceful scientists. Keshe says “ My belief has been that with the open communication systems available today, you take wisdom from my papers according to your intelligence. You peer review any paper according to your own knowledge and you do not need another person according to their private and personal interest to tell you what you need to think.” “ Now the question is whether the keshe model of the plasma, the new structure of the Principal star (Black hole), the existence of principal magnetic and gravitational fields and matters strength as explained in the books of the M T Keshe is to be the new model in physics for the center and their behavior in galaxies and other entities in the universe.” On behalf of the Stichting the Keshe Foundation Links Books and papers: 1: 2: Video released on the 30.1.2014 for decontamination for Fukushima and new methods of producing Nano materials at zero costs and the start of the Keshe Foundation road map for 2014. https://youtube/watch?v=4f02CcnHjSk 3: In the 9th workshop of the 30.1.2014 by the Keshe Foundation with live-stream with Japanese audience about application and implication of the new technology of the above video is explained in details. youtube/watch?v=SfV6YeWAu8E
Posted on: Sat, 08 Feb 2014 21:55:01 +0000

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