Stephen Hawking warns against artificial intelligence . While - TopicsExpress


Stephen Hawking warns against artificial intelligence . While manufacturers are already working to introduce their latest products as intelligent , it is still , unfortunately, is not artificial intelligence . In the end , however, truly intelligent machines to come , what then? The times in which intelligent machines will become a reality in the end come. And as it turns out, not all accept this prospect with enthusiasm. Stephen Hawking and other scientists : Stuart Russell , tailcoats Wilczekiem and Max Tegmarkiem warned in the pages of the British The Independent : we do not know what will happen with the development of artificial intelligence. - Looking to the future , I see no fundamental limits to what we can achieve . There is no physical laws restricting arranging the particles in a manner which would enable the calculations much more complex than those which performs the human brain . Explosive transition is possible , though this change may play out just like in the movie. Even so , as described by Irving Good , in 1965 - with superludzką machine intelligence that could still improve their projekty.Hawking mentions Irving , referring to Space Odyssey - mathematician, was one of the consultants responsible for creating the computer HAL 9000 . HAL is based on the technological singularity - the concept has been developed by Vernor Vingea and describes the point in the future development of our civilization , in which technological progress becomes so rapid that all human predictions about it will become obsolete . The event that would bring us to this point is of course the invention of artificial intelligence. This , in turn, would be able to have the same tune their subsequent versions : - You can imagine the technology that przechytrzyłaby financial markets , przerosłaby potential human inventors , wywiodłaby world leaders in the field and create a weapon that will not even be able to understand . While the short-term development of artificial intelligence depends on who controls it , in the long run in terms of whether artificial intelligence in general be controlled. Thus, in the face of possible , albeit unpredictable opportunities and threats , experts do what they can to achieve the best results , right? Error . If the vast alien civilization over us send us a message: You will arrive in a few decades, answer : Well, let me know when you reach , you leave the door open ? Probably not, but to a lesser or greater extent, just as we proceed with artificial intelligence. Well, Hawking can certainly look to the future , but even he does not know when we can expect the emergence of the first machine , which would present full features of artificial intelligence.
Posted on: Mon, 05 May 2014 11:40:31 +0000

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