Stephen McNallen tar den helt ut: ASATRU - DEFENDING EUROPE - TopicsExpress


Stephen McNallen tar den helt ut: ASATRU - DEFENDING EUROPE FROM ISLAMIC INVASION Historically, Christianity has gotten all the credit for the defense of Europe against Islamic invasions. Fair enough; Christian warriors fought the decisive battles against Islam on European soil that saved the West - notably Tours in 732 CE and Vienna in 1683 CE. Followers of Germanic religion might have made a bigger contribution, but we had been driven to the fringe of Europe long before Muslim armies arrived on our doorstep. However, men sworn to Asatru were fighting Muslims in the Middle East at an early date. These were members of the Varangian Guard, the elite troop in service to the Byzantine emperor. A treaty between the Norse Rus and the Byzantines was sealed in 911 CE, regulating the military service of Scandinavians in the Empire. At this early date, many or most of these men would have been Asatru. The most famous Varangian was Harald Hardrada of Norway. Harald himself was at least nominally Christian, but many of the men who fought alongside him would not have been. Under Harald, these warriors stormed through the Middle East. In one campaign they reportedly seized eighty Muslim strongholds and attacked Jerusalem itself. On another occasion they fought to win Sicily back from Muslim control. Varangian Asatruar had no interest in winning Jerusalem for Christians (though some of them may well have come along for the fight, just the same), but they helped defend the Byzantine Empire against the Muslims who, centuries later, were to eventually conquer Byzantium. The Varangians took the battle to the Islamic heartland fully half a century before the First Crusade in 1095 CE. Europe is once again being invaded by aggressive Islam. Today, the weapon is not the scimitar, but demographics and terrorism. (Ethnic Germans will be a minority in their own country by about 2026 at given present trends.) Perhaps the defense of our ancestral lands lies not in a revival of militant Christianity, but a resurgence of that which is truly European - our native religions including, among others, Asatru. We must find our soul before we can protect our soil. Hail the Gods! Hail the Asatru Folk Assembly! Steve McNallen
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 09:43:39 +0000

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