Stephen in the book of Acts was considered the first Christan - TopicsExpress


Stephen in the book of Acts was considered the first Christan martyr. Why did they stone and kill him? What did he do to be stoned? Who were the ones to stone him? Whether it be 2000 years ago or today we need to ask a question why and what would incite people to kill their own brethren. Please do remember, the ones who had stoned Stephen were not unbelievers but they were Jews and they had the approval of the high priests. In todays term, they would be other Christians with the approval of their religious leaders from the most popular denominations or churches. Let us look at most churches today. They are in most part the same yesterday. Today, when you go into most churches, what can we observe. We hear some hymns or worship songs. We hear some preaching of how God can do this or that. We hear some preaching that the Holy Spirit is around. We hear some prayers. The church may have some programs and events for their people. We hear that God can heal and set His people free. But yet in many churches, nothing much happens but a routine that is created by humanism. But if someone was really filled with the Holy Spirit and stood out with Gods grace, power, working wonders and signs among the people, well then that person would be rocking the boat so to speak from the old routine of church. Acts 6:8 Now Stephen, full of grace (divine blessing and favor) and power (strength and ability) worked great wonders and signs (miracles) among the people. If someone was manifesting the Holy Spirit, then why would the other brethren want to stop or kill him/her? Why would people want to kill or spiritually kill anyone who was working great wonders and signs? It can be for many reasons. It can be out of fear, jealousy, or complacency. People do not want to change from their wrong. They rather still force themselves into what they believe is truth to them. Where are you? Jesus said if you were to truly follow HIM, you will be persecuted. Which side are you on? Are you one who is filled manifesting the Holy Spirit or are you one who is RESISTING the Holy Spirit? Are you one who is silent absorbing the spiritual stones thrown at you or are you the one calling certain ministries the work of the devil? Do you know the Holy Spirit? Do you know the Person of the Holy Spirit? He is not just a theory nor is He just a thought. He is God. Acts 7:51 You stubborn and stiff-necked people, still heathen and uncircumcised in heart and ears, you are always [f]actively resisting the Holy Spirit. As your forefathers [were], so you [are and so you do]! Before Stephen died, he was calling his accusers stiffed neck and stubborn always RESISTING the Holy Spirit. Do you know the Holy Spirit or are you one who resists HIM? Stephen filled with the Holy Spirit manifested wonders and signs. If we are Christians, we are to become more spiritual beings and become more alien to this world. Yet most Christians today just as yesterday are still going through their humanistic routine in church. Unless you are filled, baptized by the Holy Spirit Fire, it will become very difficult to persevere in the coming end days. In fact, if you are not filled and baptized by HIM, such person may end up deceived and will seek to kill Gods chosen people as the pharisees had. Do May you all seek the Holy Spirit and be baptized by HIM and His Fire!
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 13:28:24 +0000

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