Steps For A Healed Marriage You can cry all day long and pray, - TopicsExpress


Steps For A Healed Marriage You can cry all day long and pray, but thats not going to move God to work on your situation. He does hear your cry and understand your needs, but thats not faith and faith is what it takes for God to move that mountain out of your life. The need we have in our time of grief is to get the person we love back into our lives. We love him and miss him (or her) and it hurts, Oh God does it hurt. But God wants us to love and miss Him more than we miss our mate. He wants us to lean on Him, give Him our grief and let Him take care of it for us. He wants your love, your pleas and to get out of His way. You see, God wants a relationship with you, an intimate relationship. He wants to be number 1# in your life. Love God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your might. God first, your spouse second. When were weeping and crying praying to get our mate back, were putting our needs before God. Youll know who you love most by who you think about most. When youre praying for God to restore your marriage in your dire need, are you thinking about God, or yourself? One of the wonderful things about God is, when you give your heart to God, He will not hurt it, He will heal it and make you better. He will heal your pain so you can think right about your you can pray right, love right, be right. If you dont let go and let God, youll be right back in the same situation a few months from now, as you are today. Therefore, you will need to give your heart and all your cares to God and cast down anything that goes against His Word. Dont believe it, cast it down, give it to God and let Him take care of the situation for you. Once you establish a strong relationship with God, pray then be patient. QUIT WORRYING. Life has dealt you a blow, but you cannot sit around and worry all the time. God will take all your burdens and carry them for you. Unless, of course you enjoy fretting over every little thing that comes your way? You need healing, so ask the Holy Spirit to rid of your anger, your fear, your anxieties. Ask God to remove everything that is keeping you from restoring your marriage. Give God all your burdens and let Him take care of them for you. Once youve given Him your burdens, quit trying to take them back. Trust in Him. Have faith that He will take care of all your needs, your problems, your trials, your emotional roller coaster ride. He wants to help you...All you have to do is ask. Ask, then, LEAVE IT ALONE Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord. Dont wake up in the morning and say, Well,! Im feeling much stronger now, I think I can handle it from here. Why do you think you are feeling stronger now? Its simple. You gave God your burdens and He is taking care of them for you. He will renew your strength and cover you in His peace. If you take your problems back, you will be right back where you started. Leave them with Him and forget about them. Just let Him do His job. TALK TO HIM He wants you to forget a lot of things. Forget what was making you crazy. Forget the worry and the fretting because you know He is in control. But dont forget to talk to Him often. He loves you. He wants to hear your voice. He wants you to include him in everything in your life. He wants to hear you talk about your friends, your family and the things you like best. Prayer is simply having a conversation with Him. He wants to be your best friend. HAVE FAITH He sees a lot of things from up above that you cannot see from where you are. Have faith that He knows what He is doing. Trust Him. He will continue to care for you, watch over you, and meet your needs. You only have to trust Him. How hard can trust be? Satan will say, The marriage is over, he has hardened his heart against you. He is moving on with his life, and you are not included. You might as well get a divorce because you really messed up this time, and its too late now. But God says, I can do exceedingly and abundantly above and beyond all that you can ask, think or imagine. Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world, for I am in you. You can do all things through Christ because I will give you strength to overcome. Trust in Me, do not lean on your own understanding. I am smiling down on you right now. I CAN heal your marriage and will bring about a wonderful reconcilliation because I work all things together for the good. Be confident and patient and you will receive My favor in amazing ways. I am a BIG God, there is nothing to difficult for Me. You are blessed, you are victorious. I will open up doors that no man can shut. My blessings are running down on you now and they are overtaking you. I love you, I will take care of this situation for you. Stand strong in faith and trust Me, and get out of my way because Im coming through, and Im coming through in the Name of Jesus. Dont listen to your emotions because they will lie to you. It doesnt matter what it feels like or seems like at the time, God will heal your marriage, and He will heal it in His time, not yours. If your spouse has left you, dont call him, dont write him, dont let him know how you feel. Let it go and let God. God will put the right person in his way to soften his heart and bring about a change. God will go into his heart and exchange it with His. PRAY FOR YOUR HUSBAND/WIFE As Christians we are not to bow out at the sign of defeat. Instead we are to confront the enemy and put on the full armor of God. If your husband/wife has left you and has hardened his heart, he is in danger of the eternal fire because he has gone against Gods word What therefore God has joined together, let not man put asunder (separate) and has broken his covenant promise. He has been deceived by the enemy. ~Unknown~ Karen~
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 21:36:05 +0000

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