Steps Toward Your Dreams ( Class #126: August 26, 2013) On one of - TopicsExpress


Steps Toward Your Dreams ( Class #126: August 26, 2013) On one of the hottest days of the summer, 15 students and six volunteers gathered together in the steaming hot room of Monday’s life skills class. Despite the uncomfortable heat, the students stayed focused and followed along with instructor Christopher Kai who led the class through a posture and deep breathing exercise. Along with being a vital technique, Kai emphasized to the class how practicing deep breathing regularly can help elevate stress. Kai continued the class with a history question. Holding a small money tree in his hand Kai offered this as a reward for any student who could name the importance of August 28th. As the children racked their brains to find the answer it took two students to remind the class that that day was the anniversary of when Dr. Martin Luther King Jr gave his infamous “ I Have A Dream” speech, at the epic March on Washington. Kai continued the lesson by emphasizing the importance of remembering history as it gives context to the present. He further discussed how history is more than just events of the past but they are stories of American Heroes, and every student in the class has a story to tell that one day will be told to others. After a short history lecture Kai taught an interactive lesson that had the students walking through the Union Rescue Mission. Starting at the basement level the class split up into three groups and were instructed different ways to move up the stairs. One group walked up one step at a time, the next group walked up every other step and the last group took as many steps as they could. As the students moved up the stairs their ambition and determination carried them through when they began to tire out. Although they weren’t sure why they were climbing up the stairs they were eager to complete their task. At the end the children were rewarded with the crispy cool outside air and the amazing view of the night sky and the bright city lights. On rooftop the class reflected on their exercise, as a literal example of taking steps towards their dreams. Kai explained to the students that no matter if they take small steps or big steps when moving towards their dreams it’s important that they go at their own pace and stay focused. To finish up the class the children had to walk backwards down the stairs to the classroom. Yet another literal reminder to be mindful of the direction they are going towards their dreams. Always move forward and not backwards.
Posted on: Sat, 31 Aug 2013 02:22:09 +0000

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