Steve Blow at the DMN attacking Jim Schutze in 2009 for putting on - TopicsExpress


Steve Blow at the DMN attacking Jim Schutze in 2009 for putting on a tinfoil hat with respect to conspiracies in South Dallas. In point of fact, Schutzes allegations appear to mirror closely the federal indictments just handed down. Only Loser in This Brawl Could be You by Steve Blow, The Dallas Morning News Published: March 8, 2009 (establishing moral equivalence between Jim Schutze and John Wiley Price; portraying Jim Schutze as delusional) Oh, this is getting good. In one corner, we have the always over-caffeinated County Commissioner John Wiley Price. And in the opposite corner, we have the brooding Eeyore of Dallas journalism, columnist Jim Schutze. News came last week that their grudge match has moved from the pages of the Dallas Observer to the Dallas County courthouse. And, yeah, Ill confess to some guilty pleasure in watching this unfold - like the guy who stands on the sideline and says, Lets you and him fight. But there are also a couple of big hindrances to enjoying this bout. First, no one to root for. And second, the only sure loser is us. In his own morose way, Schutze has had his mitts on a good story for the last few months. It involves the huge inland port area in southern Dallas County, particularly the project of developer Richard Allen. Schutze has delved into a brazen attempt by some local African-American leaders to gain a piece of that action - a $1.5 million, three-year consulting contract and a 15 percent ownership stake. Meanwhile, Price has leaned hard on Allen to boost minority participation in his project. This all burst into the open late last year when a majority of the commissioners court refused to go along with Price on creating a master plan for the inland port. In surprising candor, U.S. Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson talked to Schutze about Prices heavy-handed demands on anyone trying to do business in southern Dallas. She said the master plan sounded like more of the same. Exactly what was said remains in some dispute. But Price has now gone to court, requesting sworn depositions from Johnson and from County Judge Jim Foster on what they told Schutze. Schutzes editor has characterized the legal filings as precursors to a possible defamation suit against the officials and the Observer. As I say, its hard to root for anyone in this feud because both sides are examples of good work carried way, way overboard. Price offers the most egregious example. Sure, as an African-American official, its natural for him to promote more opportunity for minority businesses. But in this case, he has veered dangerously close to corrupt old pay-to-play politics. For the record, Price has made absolutely no secret of his power play. He talked openly in the Commissioners Court about stalling work on an important bridge in the inland port area and the need for more minority participation. But on the other side, once again, Schutze has badly overplayed his hand. As usual, he put on his tinfoil hat and ginned up an evil conspiracy theory to explain all this. This one involves a plot to benefit the Perot family and its competing Alliance development. Schutzes list of co-conspirators seems to include everyone who has ever spoken kindly of an inland-port master plan - including, of course, the editorial page of The Dallas Morning News. (All Schutze conspiracy theories go there eventually.) Maybe suspicions are justified that Price had ulterior motives in supporting a master plan. But its just lunacy to make evildoers of everyone favoring good urban planning. Already, you and I are the losers here. The inland port has the potential for huge economic benefit. But it will require a high degree of regional cooperation and, yes, smart planning. It will be a tragedy if developer Allens whining and Schutzes dark conjuring scare officials away from a good master plan. And Price is going to be a drag on the inland port and all other economic development in southern Dallas if he keeps up his strong-arm tactics. Maybe its best for Schutze and Price to pummel each other awhile. Theyll be less likely to hurt someone else. Copyright 2009 The Dallas Morning News
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 12:27:20 +0000

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