Steve jobs2 defn of human scum the entire race but only mit were - TopicsExpress


Steve jobs2 defn of human scum the entire race but only mit were if to IBM jeopardy grometty CEO team header ship with not chief external affirms Stratgist analysts jack Ryan phd type Stratgist analysts describing humanities failures to recognize itself as !!! global villages of scum ISSYES !!!* Mit ee reif to IBM jeopardy team grometty join team force to describe microcosm of human scum at !!!* planet apple of spe store at Lincoln center ISSYES now thanks they dont need to sleep as we finally al made it to go see captain America across the stret from apple store scum microplasm scum planet ISSYES today the 4.4.14 ISSYES finby to become more like captain America moral ISSYES to iq ISSYES then scum planet as described by duvet situ store run by whites apple store Lincoln center dont need to sleep tonite ISSYES tonite As in cu Mary Boyce of mit vest phd deanship to cucs traub etc ISSYES it is like apple store scum planet here tell Tim cook apple to its new retail store chief woman from Burberry retail stores FURED by IBM grometty to mit ee reif Thee are the scum stories that are applicable to cu cucs Mary Boyce ISSYES EXACTLY but they cu cucs mit best nary Boyce feels like apple store Lincoln center heroes to real captain of industry to captain of mit in the mit vs mit cu cucs nary Boyce deanship etc ISSYES fired by mit ee reif to IBM grometty to you all now thanks as mr Italian skinny man Julio you see here in first apple store pictures here that scum skinny man me Julio told me that he was going to tell all others not to out THEUR dirty bags that sit in the floor all the time ESP restroom floor by women except when they come to all apple store ISSYES so bent back chink woman at scum apple store veteran with Julio next to him told me mine bag was filth vs this that and that three dirty women bags to other junk in near view apple store basement table sight from me thee dirty old bags in FRINT of chink woman to me heroism Julio told me he facing these bags while talking to me 1) did not see it 2) will go over to tell them 3) when I asked mr captain America heroism Julio then of course he told me I told him it was ok with me if he ask be and support chink ugly bent back chink restaurant TYOE fcking superiorty ISSYES like cu cubk students go there schezuan gourmet off broadway 105 street basement BEW chink store after we mit etc talked about it it be ine cu cucs nary Boyce own chink chinatown store USSYES but chink women men at sg store dint thank me or even mit ee reif for THEUR extra busineses now mit ee reif FURED as administrative abilities by you all Now that is the cu cucs nary Boyce to traub cucs heroism not punished by IBM friendly to ESP mit ee reif ^2 bec of 1) is mr ade fired with eventual mayor deBlasio 311 nyc phone app three pictures per three complaints to it app last nite ISSYES remind cu five guys about mr ade blk ass bald manager fat picture fired 2) mr Julio has lots of guts motivated by protecting chink woman staff ugly be t back whom look like fcking restaurant worker at at ISSYES show you that jack Ryan says it is an scum planet anti intelligence anti mit like cu cucs nary Boyce to trains cucs cu people faculty members haw not spoken to mit ee reif or Guth or wilczek or large mit audiences like I or deshaw dud in two differnt respects above they cu cucs nary Boyce of mit own best phd deanship leadership act like mr ade cu five guys burger joint bullshit tell 311 app to mayor deBlasio again of it fired bec why bec mr ade liar in shot all over restroom flour he never saw or walls even for him to SUPPRT former Arlene lies at cu five guys store us an outrageous suck planet not worth manager but they choose managers as in animal world as biggest dumbest bullies not most intelligent manager is why mr ade chosen as cu five guys bald grad gorilla look dumb liars bullies Mentally ill lies not fit as worker much Less manager fired by mit ee reif to you all as for cu cucs nary Boyce is like mr Julio with all these evidence of dirt bags in apple tables he feels hero and not an shame outright laughing smiling in lying in front of me is what mit ee reif recalled for further mit phd studies leadership if cu cucs nary Boyce is like Julio to apple store shamess in lying bec they delusional mind is white Italian men any differnt then ape nan at cu five guys mr ade now and that these two picture evidentiary outright pig liars make human society asshole scum planet That us why cu cucs traub Mary Boyce team call me assholes now you tell planet scum earth fired now not just ape man ade to white Italiano Julian man not one guilt in his face he felt he has not dine enough harm yet to higher intelligences as ape man in skinny body is why ape nan has hair all over his body vs be cheap android man firing them ape ban white or not skinny or not ISSYES One more thing mr white fat uniform nypd cop at 1 train uptown side stop at 2.50 am exactly last nite saw an whole bunch well one white college age man one white college age woman try to and had difficulty jumping mta train turn style making kits of noise hitting the turns tyke with THEUR feet token issues he came rushing down steps from above ground then saw bunch of ten white teen college age men women ISSYES and he just then walked by this is how it works bec he then station himself In same train station to ambush for style junk worthless 2.50 dollars turn style jumpers by if two whites not drunk jumping it they whites ten of them continue talking didnt even look at white fat cop age 30 walk. By them bec they white boys Own nypd cops to nsa prism email ops ISSYES to GOOGKE plus post dont allow me to post public private for no good reason then apple afire chink woman iniated this allas chink woman ISSYES fired so scum planet is deeper more then just rascism as cops know white teens to white men rule the world when I told cop that from downturn sideast note the white boys discrete listen care the cop swearing an bit more took off his cap to wipe his forehead but he like suck planet apple store refused to apologize to ad or defeat to INTELIGENCE time facts is the nypd cops better stay the dck away from me tell deBlasio about blk ade to white cops bec his wife is blk Jamaican now by mit ee reif and you all fired in similar no apology to mit ee reif to IBM grometty on cu cucs traub Mary Boyce etc ISSYES of mit Charles Leiserson to ias think tanks MacArthur prize winner Juan maldacenas reccomendation online takes to cuee failed rejected thrown in garbage can by cu cuee cucs traub etc mit own best phd ideal agent Mary Boyce fired like Julio to cops unapologetic even with even evidentiary coutrt oeuvre dung like chipotle food in cu five guts worse then me INTELIGENCE of mit to behind mit stds us the me ade to Julio to cu cucs Mary Boyce of recall Boyce by mit vs gm care recall CEO of gm fired now thanks !!!*
Posted on: Sun, 06 Apr 2014 01:51:29 +0000

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