Steven Gerrard on leaving Liverpool - This has been the - TopicsExpress


Steven Gerrard on leaving Liverpool - This has been the toughest decision of my life and one which both me and my family have agonised over for a good deal of time. I am making the announcement now so that the manager and the team are not distracted by stories or speculation about my future. Liverpool Football Club has been such a huge part of all our lives for so long and saying goodbye is going to be difficult, but I feel its something thats in the best interests of all involved, including my family and the club itself. Im going to carry on playing and although I cant confirm at this stage where that will be, I can say it will be somewhere that means I wont be playing for a competing club and will not therefore be lining up against Liverpool - that is something I could never contemplate. My decision is completely based on my wish to experience something different in my career and life and I also want to make sure that I have no regrets when my playing career is eventually over. I cant thank Brendan, the owners and everyone at the club enough for how theyve handled this and I am leaving on great terms. Also, I would like to thank my team-mates and all the staff for their help and continued support. It is a very special place to be part of. It is my sincere hope and wish that one day I can return to serve Liverpool again, in whatever capacity best helps the club. One point that is important to make is that from now until the last kick of the last game of the season, I will be as fully committed to the team as I ever have been and giving everything I have to help Liverpool win games. My final message is for the people who make Liverpool Football Club the greatest in the world - the supporters. It has been a privilege to represent you, as a player and as captain. I have cherished every second of it and it is my sincere wish to finish this season and my Liverpool career on a high. Brendan Rodgers - It is almost an impossible task to find the words to appropriately sum up Steven Gerrard and his importance to Liverpool. This is an era where the word legend is vastly overused, but in his case it actually doesnt do him justice. From a personal point of view I will always have gratitude for the support he gave me, when I arrived here as manager. Steven came to see me and promised he would be 100 per cent behind me and do everything he could to help as we looked to introduce new ideas and a new way of working. He wasnt just true to his word, he vastly exceeded it. As a player he is immense and the influence he has on games should never be understated. At times he has carried this club on his back and in my time here he has always shown the ability that has rightly seen him be regarded as one of the worlds best for well over a decade. As a leader and as a man, he is probably incomparable to anyone I have ever worked with. He takes professionalism to a new level and the dedication he has to his work is an example to everyone in the game. He is also someone who has always put the club and team ahead of himself and I think that will ultimately be his legacy. People better placed than me to judge have said Steven is Liverpools greatest ever player; when you look at the company he is in, that is some statement. We of course will miss him, both on the field of play and in his capacity as club captain, but his influence will live on and we wish him nothing but joy and success wherever he chooses to go next. Until that moment arrives I will continue to enjoy working with Steven Gerrard the man and Steven Gerrard the player, one of the greatest we have seen. John Henry and Tom Werner co-statement - This news stirs many strong emotions for all of us connected with the club. There is sadness that such a great player and person is leaving and wont be playing for Liverpool beyond this season. But there is also a sense of celebration and gratitude, that weve all been privileged to watch and work with one of the true greats, not just of this club, but the game in general. We will all have our own personal memories of breathtaking Steven Gerrard moments; there are far too many to list. His contribution to the club is almost beyond measure and its testimony to his influence, that despite Liverpool having such a long and distinguished list of legendary figures, the name Steven Gerrard will always be at the summit. Another emotion that resonates today is respect; a respect not just for his achievements but also the decision he and his family have reached. Steven will always have a part to play for this club, as and when the time comes that he wishes to return. I hope we all respect that Steven and his family want to pursue something new and different for the final years of his playing career. We all wish him well in this endeavour and look forward to welcoming him back to Anfield in the future, when the time is appropriate.
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 14:18:16 +0000

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