Stevie Wonder I believe wrote a beautiful song years ago that, - TopicsExpress


Stevie Wonder I believe wrote a beautiful song years ago that, I’m sorry, turned out to be a lie. The song said, “Everything must change, nothing remains the same, everyone must change, nothing and no one goes unchanged…” Well I beg to differ, Jesus goes unchanged and the Apostolic Doctrine goes unchanged; whether you choose to believe it or not. Jesus Christ, God came to this earth for the purpose of redeeming mankind and to restore hope to a seemingly hopeless situation. Jesus told Peter, “Upon this Foundation I will build my church (ekklesia) and the gates of hell shall not prevail… Now the word ekklesia, refers to an assembly or gathering of people. Heb 10: 25 In classical Greek it referred to an assembly of the citizens of a city, with the understanding that those who were of this assembly were entitled to all the right of that city. Psa 103:2 Furthermore the word Eklesia in the verb tense means “to summon forth” John 15:16 Now having explained all the above this helps us to have the understanding of who we are as the church from it’s foundation (Jesus). This foundation is to never change. With the inception of the Church we see the Apostles Doctrine as an established foundation or format from which Peter was to build. Acts 2:40-42 The foundation was given to Peter by the father. Matt 16:17 My question is this, when did everything change? Paul asks the question in Gal 1:6, 7 If your foundation is not continuing in the Apostles Doctrine, then who convinced you to move away from the truth of God’s word? This is the Point God’s Word, His Truth, His Plan for Salvation NEVER changed, man changed God’s plan to fit his actions. ALMOST RIGHT is ALWAYSSSS WRONGGGG! The Gospel of Jesus Christ never changed for the unwavering believer so Martin Luther truth be told had nothing to reform. The Armenian Council was born out of disobedience and lies. The purpose was to make decisions regarding dogmatic issues facing the Church and to address the dissenters and sect movements. (their definition) The main accomplishment of the Nicean Council was the settlement of the Christological issue of the nature of the Son of God and his relationship to God the Father. We already know who Jesus is. Paul said if anyone comes to you trying to change this let him be accursed and if an angel comes to you let him be accursed. God does not change and his Word does not change. Mal 3:6
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 18:20:04 +0000

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