Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt - TopicsExpress


Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. You have no doubt heard this phrase at some time in your life, probably the most often in your childhood. Yet words do have the power to hurt us. Words are a powerful force and the powerful effects of negative words cannot be underestimated. We all know how horrid and degrading it feels to be called insulting names or be told that we are stupid or deficient in some way. Such words may not leave actual bruises but they certainly leave marks on our psyche, helping to form the picture we hold of ourselves. If you repeatedly hear messages that you are worthless and ugly and idiotic, your subconscious will begin to believe that it is true. You will hold an image of yourself as worthless, ugly and idiotic and you will begin to see yourself only in a negative way, all because of the words someone uses to describe you. . The adverse effects of negative words and negative thinking are well-documented. It is not only personal insults from other people that can be damaging. Being in the company of people who frequently complain or see the bad in everything can be just as dispiriting. Such people give across a negative energy that soon infiltrates everything and everyone around them. Socializing with such people can be very trying; it is especially difficult to be in the company of anyone who actively enjoys wasting time complaining and uses negative words frequently. You probably know people like that! They cannot see the bright side or joy in any situation, even happy events. This effect of negative words can be likened to a heavy, grey cloud that settles over your whole life and refuses to shift. Each negative word makes the cloud heavier and darker until it swamps your whole life zapping away any pleasure or happiness. THE BENEFITS OF NONVIOLENT COMPASSIONATE COMMUNICATION FOR FAMILIES Reduce family conflicts and sibling rivalry • Move beyond power struggles to cooperation and trust • Create a quality of connection that embodies unconditional love • Protect and nurture the autonomy of children • Motivate using “power-with” rather than “power-over” strategies Personal Relationships • Deepen your emotional connections • Transform judgment/criticism into understanding/connection • Listen so others are really heard • Get what you want more often without using demands, guilt or shame • Hear the needs behind whatever anyone does or says Personal Growth and Healing • Transform shame and depression into personal empowerment • Heal old pain • Transform unhealthy habits • Stay connected to your own needs and preferences • Live your life by choice Conflict Resolution • Resolve conflicts peacefully—personal or public, domestic or international • Get to the heart of conflict and disputes quickly • Improve cooperation—listen so others are really heard • Transform criticism and blame into compassionate connection • Prevent future pain and misunderstanding Anger Management • Transform anger before it leads to behavior you’ll regret • Discover the needs behind your anger • Learn to appreciate what triggers you and others • Identify solutions that are satisfying to everyone • Express anger in ways that connect you to others
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 04:48:54 +0000

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