Still Humans: A New International Initiative- A New - TopicsExpress


Still Humans: A New International Initiative- A New Chain Tomorrow is Teachers Day. Few of my students & alumni have requested me to write down a message for them. They told me they want to celebrate Teachers Day. Few came with a suggestion that let us celebrate this day with Samosas, Jalebi, music & dance. It made me think who is a teacher and what should be his contribution. Do people admire administrators or do they remember only those who made a difference in their life. I asked this question to few of my old students. I requested them to close their eyes and define me. Do they see a Vice Chancellor, an Administrator, an Entrepreneur or a Teacher? Invariably, those who are close to me remembered me speaking to them in a class and interacting with them on the various issues, which changed their lives. To them, I will always be a teacher. It doesn’t matter to them what was my rank, which car I was driving, where I was staying, what I was wearing, what my religion was and how much salary I was getting. For them, what matters is my affection and philosophy, which I shared with them. This is a great learning and what better incentive of life can you get than when your students become successful and come back to you & hug you. Their one liner “We love you Sir. You changed our life” is the biggest gift, which one can treasure. However, instead of celebrating the Teachers Day in a big hall by cutting a 50kg cake and having Jalebi & Samosas, I thought that we should create something which can change the lives of those who created this beautiful world and created us. Let’s make this society and world a better place to live. I have often seen old people and the dryness in their eyes. They are left alone. No one wants to talk to them. Everyone finds a fault in them. In their own house, they become strangers. How strange is that? Those for whom they lived find them a wasteful commodity. I have often seen people saying” “You don’t know Grandpa, the world has changed, life has changed. Please don’t interfere in our lives.” “Dadi (Grandma), don’t come in front of my friends. They feel offended with your presence” “Please don’t touch us and don’t hug us. We are no more small children.” Arguing, shouting, not involving, disrespect, no time for elders – these are very common incidents which we witness every day in every home & in every family. Perhaps, the education and the degrees, which our children are getting from the top Institutions, are not teaching them the values for which life stands. The role of the real teacher is to touch the souls and transform his students for the benefit of the society. A real teacher will ensure that his students don’t become the tears in the eyes of their loved ones. I want to appeal to all of you on Teachers Day, to be a part of the new movement, which we want to start from today. We are naming it ‘Still Humans’ We would like to celebrate every single life, which has been created by the Almighty through this movement. We are going to ensure that every old life, which has created the young is taken care of. We will that no Grandpa, Grandma, Old Mom, Old Dad has a loneliness in their eyes. We will ensure no more tears, we will ensure no more pains, we will ensure that we become the stick of those parents who are having pain in their knee, we will ensure that we become a partner of those parents who don’t have any one to go on a morning walk with them, we will ensure that on the birthday of our parents someone is with them to cut a cake and make them special, we willensure that they are not alone when they have to see a doctor. Through this movement, we will ensure that no old person dies on the road, will ensure that no one feels depressed, we will ensure that our elders have many places where they can go and enjoy their life. We will ensure that they have ambulances, libraries, clubs, doctors, hospitals, clothes, essentials of life and above all the affection, love, feeling and sense of pride that they created us and created this beautiful world. I appeal all of you to do the following things today and put it on Facebook. It is your tribute to your education, to your teachers, to your religion and to re-confirm that you are living, you are not dead, you are educated and that you love your Parents, Grandparents and Elders. 1. Do one good thing for any elder. 2. Videotape it and say loudly “We are humans & we believe in Still Humans.” Start this chain by nominating your close ones and follow up with them to ensure that they do it for their elders. Let’s make our elders very special on this Teachers Day. This can be the most beautiful present we can offer to the society. It would be better than the Jalebis & Samosas. Please put this on Facebook and make it viral. Through the “Still Humans” movement, we would very shortly also befocusing on the following:- 1. Requesting you to donate your time – one hour a month for any elder of your choice. You need to sit with them, visit them, narrate a story for them, cook for them, eat with them and make them special. 2. Donating your old things to the stores, which will be opened by the old people through this movement across the world. Let them sell these products and generate some funds for themselves. Group of professionals like you will monitor this very closely. 3. Creating Clubs, Libraries & Recreation Centres for old peopl : We would request for the help from Govt, celebrities and those who are blessed with resources to come forward. Instead of wasting our money on Birthday parties and fat weddings, it would be a great feeling if we can create such Centres of Human Excellence. 4. Ambulance & Free Transport Facilities for old people 5. Special events for old people to involve them and recognize them. 6. Cremation services for any unattended elder 7. Offering legal help to any elder who is fighting for his rights This movement will also work on the following projects, which can give us a feeling that we as Humans are still living for the Society. 1. Nurturing Underprivileged Children 2. Making world green and environment friendly 3. Ensuring good health and education for everyone in the world 4. Eradicating child abuse from the world Let us celebrate our lives. Let us celebrate Teachers Day. We can see a new hope. We can see a new world. We can see a new feeling of humanity. STILL HUMANS Join this movement and get certified from God that you are really educated. Dr Gurinder Singh
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 07:38:02 +0000

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