Still dark as a pit on this the 28th of October, creeping and - TopicsExpress


Still dark as a pit on this the 28th of October, creeping and crawling toward Halloween (Yes, Im up earlier than usual, thanks to my amazingly adorable critters who LOVE to eat an early breakfast every once in a while, not often, mind you, but Tuesdays do seem a favorite day) Got a BIG ANNOUNCEMENT: Brenda Novak has a new book out TODAY -- The Heart of Christmas -- yeah, yeah, its not even Halloween yet, but this is how its done in Publishing Land, gives you a chance to buy half a dozen for early Christmas presents. Think about this: Will a guys mysterious past prevent our heroine from wrapping him up with a big red bow for Christmas? Dont miss this one, lots of fun. Now I get to brag: I call every single one of the pro games every single week and Week #8, I only missed ONE, and that was because I went with my heart, not my head, but sure theres always a change. The Panthers let me down and the Seahawks walked away with a win. I even picked Redskins to beat Cowboys and NOBODY did, and would you look what happened with a third-string QB last night? Lovely win for the Redskins. So, only one loss, guys, what do you think of that? You ready to crown me the Absolute Queen of Football? The All-powerful Oz? (A brief pause while I bow and preen) Today I want all of you to exercise outside, if the weather permits. If youre at work, simply exit the building, pick a spot where you wont be hassled and go for it -- stretch, do some jumping jacks, run in place -- whatever you can to get your blood pumping and color in your cheeks -- (You can do this instead of stuffing French fries down your gullet)
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 13:37:26 +0000

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