Still feeling down, but my spirits have been lifted a bit! - TopicsExpress


Still feeling down, but my spirits have been lifted a bit! This week I noticed a few of our scouts are close to achieving their Gold chief scout awards...(for those not in the know, it involves gaining 8 of the 9 challenge badges (which arent easy either.) so a fairly difficult award to obtain.) I contacted their parents to let them know, just how awesome their children are for getting this far and asked if they would help give them a gentle nudge to get them finished! Each parent has replied to me, to say they didnt realise they were so close, that they thought it was too hard and their child would never get even a little bit close let alone this far and are very proud of their children... That they will leave space in the diary for the community work so they can finish the awards! And thanks for helping them thus far! And giving them in kick in the bottom to get them finished! Always makes it worth while, when the monsters achieve their potentials and then we let parents know, and they are astounded that their child can actually do these things! #proudofthemunchkins.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 19:01:07 +0000

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