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Still growing likes and dislikes. Read and judge yourself :) Keith Medicalcannabisforlife Clement Im never worried of government collapse. In fact I HOPE it happens. I will be free to use nature to live like we were meant to 15 hours ago · Like · 278 · Reply Hide 35 Replies Juanita Sullivan Here Here! 14 hours ago · Unlike · 4 Jon Mountjoy Amen 14 hours ago · Unlike · 3 Charles M. Willyard Careful what you wish for. 14 hours ago · Unlike · 12 Keith Medicalcannabisforlife Clement Oooo I hope I get it 14 hours ago · Like · 5 Diana Owens Mandrell You better hope not. There will be no police, no prisons, no roads, no airports, no disaster relief, no social security, and on and on and on. 14 hours ago · Like · 12 Laurel Russell Shaver Amen, Diana and Charles. I strongly suspect that Keith and Juanita and Jon use many more government services than theyd care to acknowledge. IMO, you three should just start looking for an anarchist island somewhere to move to, instead of wishing calamity on us all. I, for one, understand that no government is perfect, including ours, but it sure beats the chaos that would ensue without one. 14 hours ago · Like · 16 Keith Medicalcannabisforlife Clement That is my hope. This WORLD went centuries without any police,roads,airports or disaster relief and we flourished. Tribes still today do not adopt any modern ways and ar doing just fine. If you cant survive without those things then I am sorry for you but truth is I have survived without at least 2 of those. the others cant be that bad. I will be high in the mountains secluded from all of that living off the land.At least it would take care of the overpopulation problem. 14 hours ago · Edited · Like · 19 Dottie Mertsky you guys are crazy - - I like my life just as it is.... I like electricity, running clean water, a flushing toilet and to be able to cook at a flick of a switch. Not ready to give it all up 13 hours ago · Unlike · 9 Andrew Cottrell Free under Chinese rule, yes. 13 hours ago · Like · 1 Keith Medicalcannabisforlife Clement Crazy is a term of endearment to me so thank you I support those who enjoy creature comforts. I do! However I know I will survive without and feel we need to do it one in order to get humans back on track and two to get nature back on track. 13 hours ago · Like · 8 Keith Medicalcannabisforlife Clement Laurel, first off get facts together before you discredit others. One I am a US Veteran. I have not received one cent from the government in the ways of a program I.E. GI Bill or VA benefits. Second I have received food stamp one time from 2011-2012 when I and my wife were homeless. I respect your opinion but you made yourself sound like an idiot. 13 hours ago · Like · 7 Charles M. Willyard I believe your view of history and anthropology is highly romanticized. Have you ever actually tried to live off the land all by yourself? Even on your mountain, you depend on tools, knowledge, and even culture from others. You as a human, do not exist in singularity, but as a part of a society. We need each other a lot more than we think. Withdrawal is not an answer, but hiding from the problem. I understand the impulse, but if we cant work it out together, individual survival is pointless. 13 hours ago · Like · 8 Michael Healy My power comes from a private power company as does my water. Its not as if people would give up on technology without government. Allowing private business to thrive without government intrusion would carry us so much further so much faster and cheaper. Also Diana, the lack of a federal government doesnt mean local services will be discontinued. Police and road construction are local area issues. Prisons are filled with non violent offenders that are simply incarcerated because the prison are run by CORPORATE interests who lobby lawmakers to keep petty laws in effect in order to leach tax dollars for each prisoner. The crimes against people are generally dealt with much more swiftly when government gets out of the way. Most airports in the country are privately or locally owned. The government just supplies the TSA fondlers and air traffic controllers that could easily work for a private company. Therefore, unless you feel that your government needs to hold you hand and make sure you dont hurt yourself, they are more of a burden on the people than an asset. Disaster relief doesnt depend on Govt, it depends on people who care about other people and are willing to help. 13 hours ago · Unlike · 9 Allen Martin For those not currently existing on the government tit, it will be fine, because they will be prepared and not have much of a change, aside from being released from countless government restrictions on how and where they can acquire their food, building materials, etc. For those who never learned anything about living off the land, dont comprehend the value of a good rifle and a good knife, or a horse, never been outside a city, etc, it will be doomsday, and they will be the ones trying to take from those who were smart enough to prepare and getting themselves shot in the process. Those are the people preppers call zombies when they talk about the zombie apocalypse. You can either prep for it and be ready, and if it dont happen you havent lost anything, or you can keep living life as normal as a government slave under the delusion this is still a free country and be screwed when that government collapses. As things stand our government is FORCING people to depend on their system and their rules, controlling everything we do, and stripping us of our rights to live as free people on our own land. In a FREE country, you could build this without permits and government oversight and live FREE, but not in todays America... Today we get the same government crap they are getting in other countries where the government RULES instead of SERVING the people. finehomebuilding/... Young Welsh Couple Ordered to Tear Down Hobbit House - Fine Homebuilding finehomebuilding Charlie Hague and Megan Williams built their house from scratch, but lacked planning permission. Now authorities have ordered the house bulldozed. 13 hours ago · Edited · Unlike · 9 Keith Medicalcannabisforlife Clement You all are entitled to your opinion. I am too and currently have at least 82 people on here that agree. So im not the only one. I disagree on our current ways and never said we should eliminate all society or human population. I never said get rid of tools. Several assumptions are being made and no one apparently has read the previous statements I made. So I leave this post with this. I hope everyone who fights for survival makes it because this fantasy world you live in wont. Ancient Rome fell,Ancient Egypt fell. We shall fall too. Shit we modeled our very system on those two civilizations. 13 hours ago · Like Allen Martin The gorgeous Florida tree house whose owners have been ordered to tear it down from beach Time is running out for the owners of a large tree house built two years ago on ...See More 13 hours ago · Unlike · 6 Eangel Angel come to nz ... go to the tribes in the Ureweras ... they know how to live with and without ... WE ALL DO .. you just have to want to or need to I guess 13 hours ago · Unlike · 3 Kutthroat Kandie DITTO 13 hours ago · Unlike · 1 Dale Hamon Hmm someone might come and take it from you if the gov goes down 12 hours ago · Unlike · 1 Keith Medicalcannabisforlife Clement True and I accept all consequences however I stand by my opinions. They wouldnt get my home without a major fight. 12 hours ago · Like · 3 Linda Sue Miller I agree with Keith here....some people are just to pluged in to the system and are just to freakin lazy to use there brains to help themselves or even help others!!! LAZY FAT ASSES!! 12 hours ago · Unlike · 2 Ellen Garneau To those that wish this wold happen I must say... The world does NOT revolve just around YOU! Elderly people would freeze. People in cities would starve. They didnt do anything wrong, nor were they part of the government Perhaps you self-centered asshats should head to that mountain... like now, so the rest of us dont have to suffer from dealing with you! Your statement of At least it would take care of the overpopulation problem is cruel and inhumane. How about you go and that will be one less overpopulating. Doesnt feel so good when youre the one dying does it! Many of us are veterans so get off that pedestal youve put yourself on. It does NOT give you the right to disrespect or diminish other Americans worth! (And if you think crazy is a compliment or joke, then you are simply foolish!) 12 hours ago · Like · 5 Elizabeth Potter Graham I lament the lack of education of these libertarian fools. Heres some Thomas Hobbes from 1651: Whatsoever therefore is consequent to a time of Warre, where every man is Enemy to every man; the same is consequent to the time, wherein men live without other security, than what their own strength, and their own invention shall furnish them withall. In such condition, there is no place for Industry; because the fruit thereof is uncertain; and consequently no Culture of the Earth; no Navigation, nor use of the commodities that may be imported by Sea; no commodious Building; no Instruments of moving, and removing such things as require much force; no Knowledge of the face of the Earth; no account of Time; no Arts; no Letters; no Society; and which is worst of all, continuall feare, and danger of violent death; And the life of man, solitary, poore, nasty, brutish, and short. Leviathan 11 hours ago · Edited · Like · 5 Elizabeth Potter Graham If the US government collapses, we will have military rule. 11 hours ago · Like Keith Medicalcannabisforlife Clement For how long? Who will keep order among the ranks? At best you will have pockets of military insurgencies. Not a full military. Those that want to stay around the more populated areas will inherit that risk. My hope and plan is to go high into the hills and wait out most of the major warfare 11 hours ago · Like · 2 Keith Medicalcannabisforlife Clement @Ellen I am always PROUD to vocalize that I am a veteran and put myself equally on a pedestal with my brothers and sisters. Which branch were you in? Thats beside the point. You are right those folks you mention didnt do anything. They dont work for the government. If they parish it will be a sad thing. If the time came and my ass was on the chopping block,so be it. Do you agree or disagree that we are majorly overpopulated? Also you call my way inhumane and cruel but I ask you what is so humane about eliminating all of our natural land masses to build homes,stores,factories and all the other crap we really do not need? What did the animals that no longer have a home do? What did the trees do? We only do this to accommodate the people. I am in no way a tree huger but this has gotten way out of control. I am not religious either but God sent a flood to eliminate the impurities of man. I just gave two diversely different view points with the same common goal. Too many people equals bad things. Time to scale it back and regroup. I will no longer follow or stand for a governing entity that rules by threat and reveres themselves as gods. I will fight to survive on my terms not theirs. By the way all the name calling definitely shows your intelligence and confirms to me how diluted of a soul you are. 10 hours ago · Like · 1 France Laferrière Im with you, Keith. Its doable, some people are already doing it, Ive experienced it myself. 6 hours ago · Like · 1 Sally Smith I almost told you to put down the bong for a sec and think, but now I think you kinda rock. \m/ 5 hours ago · Unlike · 1 Shari Ashby Mercadante This is why we fight for our rights to own guns. For those of us smart enough to be safe gun owners and dog owners we dont need police.. Anybody stupid enough to step on the property is liable not to step off, if they are there to cause harm. I have been telling my husband we need to move to the country or at least buy some land somewhere secluded. If the government does fall, ANYBODY living in the city is going to be the first to have their houses broken into and god knows what else.. In the wild they have to find you.. 4 hours ago · Like · 2 Edith Pagan I was thinking the same thing 4 hours ago · Like Chad Frederick Just make sure you get it: ... we went centuries without any police, roads, airports or disaster relief and we flourished... Keiths talking about the Golden Age of anarchy from 700AD to 1000AD. Yeah, those were some good times! Over half of all babies born died before the age of two. Warlords. Slavery. Rape. Disease. Sounds awesome... Plus, it seems that he thinks that we can either have a) disruptive and unsustainable civilization or b) a brutal rebalancing with billions of deaths. I reject the premise. In fact, it is precisely that sort of irrational and reductive thinking that has us in the predicament were in. We can do better, but not if our thinking has us trapped. Finally, he speaks of defending his home? More 20th century thinking confused in the face of 21st century problems. Theyll just drop a drone on you. Sounds very heroic. And Michael thinks his privately owned utilities will run better without government intervention? But that requires competition. So, wheres your competition going to come from? Some start up is going to move in and create a whole new system of water delivery and treatment, or lay millions of miles of cable, or power lines, or a powerplant? Now thats some serious ideology. 3 hours ago · Edited · Like Chad Frederick Shari, without the government, your house in the woods will be a nothing more than a tasty treat for a band of heavily armed brigands, mercenaries, and former solders who have children to feed. Unless you plan on having a company of devoted infantrymen to back you up, expect the worst. 3 hours ago · Like Guessie LooHoo Why wait??? Live how you want to now!!! 2 hours ago · Unlike · 1 Keith Medicalcannabisforlife Clement Easier said then done with Federal and State agencies buying up land and then telling you sure you can live here if you pay me this much,live by these rules and dont do anything without my permission. 2 hours ago · Like Madeleine Mulanix Keith, why wait for things to collapse. Why dont you go and live off the grid now? Some of us with health problems would not be able to make it living like that, even if we wanted to. 14 minutes ago · Like Kathy Thompson Once a collapse happens, all the nuclear plants will melt down and the human race and most other critters will not live very long anyway.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 17:25:18 +0000

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