Still havent seen my kids, I was so heart broken to know that they - TopicsExpress


Still havent seen my kids, I was so heart broken to know that they where here in Heber over the weekend and they werent allowed to come see their dad. The part that is most devistating is that I am so close to them and the things they have been instructed to say by their mom and her family are horrible. She has taken all the ability I had away for me to do things with them while they are here. Like the pass to go to the lake, and the bikes they rode with their friends, and stole the vehicle keys from the house, then returned again and with the help of some people removed the camping equipment. This is so sad, I have worked very hard to make sure they have the things they need. I know this isnt just a little thing, this is done with the intent of disrupting the relationship I have with my kids, This is child abuse, this causes psychological separation from the targeted parent (me) and the children. Since I know the events never happened the kids have been told have. I know someone is telling them it happened this is child abuse. For those who disagree you should never ever be allowed near kids. The law should have room in it to discourage this type of abuse. indoctrinating children to say hurtful and mean things to their parent isnt okay. Promising to buy a new toy or other things if the child says what you want is also abuse. This is what her family and her have been doing to my kids. I know it is, I have no doubt and I do not feel it is right and I know it is abuse. I have years of training in law enforcement and the children dont have the freedom to flee this they are trapped and forced to listen to this indoctrination of false stories and then the agencies and officials simply allow this to continue, the longer they let this go on the more severe the impact is on the children. The most horrible thing is people who know it is happening either block it from memory or simply lie about what they see. I had a conversation on here the other day with one of the people who have seen this and they are either covering for their friend or the conduct seems acceptable to them so they dont remember. I know exactly what was said I was smart enough to keep a journal. I am sure the other party has had ample time to make up a journal since they quit their job so they had more time to plot and carry out their sabotage of our marriage. They received and shared the instructions there family gave to them on how to create a false appearance of need by staying unemployed, I offered to help her go to school anything to help us make the ends meet she refused to take any actions through out the marriage which would increase her abilities despite my begging and pleading, when she had so many good jobs her family counseled her to not be too successful or it would help her in a divorce. How then do you expect me to make it work with someone who wants to have a free life and force others into servitude in this manner. I dont believe in slavery and it is morally wrong. Her doing this is an attempt to use me as a slave, and if you support that then you have no place in my life. She is abusive to my kids and to me. She is not fit and is unwilling to place the childrens needs above her own. I attempted to get her help with her abusive behavior, and her mom now having an empty house became board so she taunted her little girl with fantasies of infidelity which never existed. Exploiting her weakness and pushing her into destroying her own marriage. Funding the unreasonable provocations of abuse and assisting in teaching the kids horrible things about their dad which arent true. This is whole sale child abuse and any person who backs this type of conduct is a disgusting human in my book. Children are vulnerable and should be protected from this. To not stop this conduct is just as bad as doing it yourself. I have seen there mother tell them to say and do things and attempted to stop her. This is what I get for protecting my kids, they are stolen away by the abusive parent, and people are willing to step up and give testimony about things they dont know to help her. I know what she has done and so do the kids and to allow her to get away with this is to teach my kids lying and abuse is acceptable.
Posted on: Wed, 27 Aug 2014 13:49:53 +0000

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