Still on the issue of not postponing prayers youre suddenly - TopicsExpress


Still on the issue of not postponing prayers youre suddenly inspired to pray. I remember sometime last year, I just had this sudden prompt to pray for my elder brother and the key thing impressed on my mind was delivery from sudden death. I prayed immediately and gave thanks. Second day, I had an urge to repeat that prayer but it felt strange because I dont pray a second time to avert things. I pray once and believe its done. But the urge was so strong that I sensed I had to pray again and I did. Later that day or the following (Im not sure now), I was urged the THIRD time to pray same prayer and I quickly did. Guess what? We got talking that weekend and he shared with me how he had close shaves with death THREE DIFFERENT TIMES! The first one was due to a brake failure, the second was a front tyre that got busted at top speed on the express next to a trailer, the last one was another car fault. The brake failure happened on a road thats always very busy but fortunately and inexplicably it was so clear that day that the car had all the time needed to stop safely. My point is those three times I was urged were for three different accidents that could have been fatal. All glory to the God that answers prayers. The glory doesnt belong to me because its not my power. I just used the power Gods given to me, TO US ALL. Lets be vigilant! I dont feel any regret when something evil happens while Im so alert and vigilant in prayers. If any of our close relatives dies or suffers harm, it shouldnt be because we were asleep. Ive maintained for a long time that many deaths and accidents could and can be averted if only we are vigilant. Vigilance comes by a consistent prayer lifestyle. Im not talking about some passive, lazy approach to prayers, but an enduring, deliberate, and disciplined approach. I dont want you despising your prayers. Its God who has given it to us as one vital weapon. Till now, the effectual fervent prayer of the righteous avails much (James 5:16). God is faithful! Cheers
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 12:17:29 +0000

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