Still waters run deep,and for me they did,at the age of nine and - TopicsExpress


Still waters run deep,and for me they did,at the age of nine and again at thirteen,i almost drowned ,at the age of nine i d gone down to miller park in the summer to play football there was a crowd of us those days there was always a crowd of us ... We had set up jumpers for goalpost,s ,not to far away from the fountain which still holds centre stage in miller park to this very day . It was hot and somehow the ball had got kicked into the fountain, i remember leaping over the curved edge it wasnt deep ,but i lost my footing ,and suddenly i was under the water ,as i tried to stand up ,everybody must have thought i was messing about ,but i wasnt unable to stand up i went under for a second time that unmistakeable sound that comes to your ears of air popping ,and then i was gagging , i briefly broke the surface again but still slipping on the slimey bottom of the floor of the fountain i immersed myself yet again ,everything went black, lungs bursting at this point now my mouth filling with water ,and then calm ,and peace i ve tried to explain to people when i talk about this,because its quite rare that i do and i cannot explain the calm that comes over you ,no more struggleing.. then lights ,not a tunnel like some people experience when they have near death experiences, but a walk ,with windows at either side ,with memories ,some you know some you dont ,and heres the contridiction ,you look at them all but this is where time becomes strange because i couldnt have done that in the minutes that passed ,because it seemed like hours..then all of a sudden my head turning from side to side ,at that moment pain -sound -water-wetness my lungs exploding as i am being pulled out of the fountain by the scruff of my neck ,coughing and spluttering , the kids running away to carry on with their football match and our walt who dragged me out by my collar stood there shaking his head at me ..then running to join the others ,while i blew bubbles through my nose sat and coughed and spluttered ,and tried to make sense of what id just experienced ,but only four short years later i was to experience it all over again with amazing clarity this time as i can recall it all even today ..... At the age of thirteen ,i was playing in the canal basin just off tulketh brow ,theres a ramp that leads down to the canal,where people run their boats down into the water,and i was paddleing in the shallow water at this spot,when i lost my footing and slid down below the water line,everything happened in slow motion ,one minute i was running around shouting and acting daft as you do ..then i am below the water ,but this time almost an acceptance that i wasnt going to make it still a struggle took place ,but i gave in more easily this time, i swallowed water more readily , i dont expect anyone reading this to understand ,why i behaved in this way but in hindsight i believe part of me wanted to go back to where id been before,what i am about to discribe is an accurate account of what occurred ,the blackness passes ,you become part of a brightlight and in becomming part of that light you become part of everything ,you think something and you know the answer ,theres a love i cant discribe ,except to say the intencity you feel for your children ,does,nt even come close to how you feel , its as though in a moment you know everything and you are everything,you are the light ,and its like coming home , i cant even begin to try and explain what happened now wether its just your brain shutting down and playing tricks on you ,well i suppose one day i ll find out for good and if it is just yourself creating it then its something wonderful ,i believe when you die ,you go back to become a part of something bigger ,no words i use can ever make sense of what i experienced ,some people call it god and heaven ,and on this occassion it really is each to your own belief ,and so it should be.. I could write a book on some of the things i experienced while in that state where time means nothing ,hours seemed to pass in what was a matter of a couple of minutes in our time ,only other people who have had a near death experience can understand ,were i am coming from , and thats ok i am not here to convince you .. But to write my story without a nod to this happening wouldnt be complete,needless to say i was once again pulled from a filthy canal ,literally fighting to be left were i was ,thats not wishing for death its understanding that something waits for all of us ,be it what ever you believe.. The funny thing is i no longer fear death, i am not running headlong towards it but when my time comes ill step through the door , knowing that something better waits for me .. i,ve since learnt to swim not because i fear a third trip with a watery grave,but its the right thing to do ,my time,s not up just yet theres stuff i still need to do ,including writing these words ...
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 14:19:31 +0000

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