Stingy Bugger was a 53-year old loner. With no family ties and now - TopicsExpress


Stingy Bugger was a 53-year old loner. With no family ties and now living alone on the interest income from money inherited from his father many years ago, he had little trust in people -- believing that they were out to take or steal his money. With little choice, however, he had to place some faith in his pastor, doctor and lawyer -- the only three people whom he dealt with most in his pathetic life. Bugger’s life was one of utter miserliness. He never got married for fear of having to feed another mouth, or the mouths of off-springs if he ever got any from the marriage. His neighbors swore they had seen him wearing the same disheveled clothes everyday, or they had smelt the stink whenever they got close to him. Worse, they were very shocked to see used toilet papers washed and being dried at the back of his home! If you don’t treat life with the respect it deserves, it will soon catch up with you. Sure enough, Stingy Bugger was afflicted with heart disease from many years of eating cheap junk food. With diabetes and extremely high levels of cholesterol in his veins and arteries, doctors had given up hope -- even after Bugger was forced to spend a fortune on medical bills. Now, death was knocking on his door … and he could die anytime. So, Bugger sold all his properties with the intention of taking all his cash to his afterlife. Imagine this: even with impending death, he was so resolute that no one should enjoy his wealth! Soon after, Bugger called upon his three trusted servants -- the pastor, the doctor, and the lawyer -- to do his bidding. He divided his cash equally to them, seeking their solemn promise that they would place the entire amount given to each into his coffin before his cremation. After all, he thought, the three belonged to noble professions, and they would honor their pledge to him. A few days later, Bugger passed away. After the funeral was done with, the three gentlemen met to discuss the events of the day. A little teary-eyed, the pastor confessed, “I needed money for my church. I only placed half of the cash into the coffin.” The doctor was heart-broken too. “My practice was suffering, and I had to retain a large sum of the cash to save my business,” he admitted. It was the lawyer’s turn. Lawyers are a class of their own. It has been said that lawyers will do anything to win a case, sometimes even by telling the truth. Shakespeare joked that the first thing we should do is to kill all lawyers. “Shame on you guys for not living up to the promise you made to Bugger,” slammed the lawyer. “I banked the cash into my account and threw a cheque for the entire amount into his coffin.” Morals of the story: 1. Don’t be penny-wise and pound-foolish. Eat well and take care of your health. 2. Money that is hoarded will find its own way into the hands of those who use it. 3. It’s not the nobility of professions that’s important, but the nobility in one’s heart and actions.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Jun 2013 02:47:35 +0000

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