Stolen rant of the day. "Lets all forget the fact that Trayvon - TopicsExpress


Stolen rant of the day. "Lets all forget the fact that Trayvon had, unrelated to his gender or skin color, a rap sheet for fighting and burglary, and there was evidence presented at trial that showed him in possession of an illegal .380 handgun. Trayvon’s girlfriend at the time, who was essentially the central witness for the prosecution, lied under oath, recanted sworn testimony, and couldn’t hold up to cross examination by the defense. Also, the letter she supposedly wrote to Trayvon’s mother declaring that she heard “Zimmerman tackle Trayvon to the ground", was written in cursive- handwriting in which she admitted she couldn’t read while being cross examined. But none of that really changes any of the facts that have been known since the time of the incident- Zimmerman’s side of the story was corroborated by the police, as well as the medical examiners/injury reports, which show Trayvon was smashing Zimmerman’s skull into the sidewalk after having climbed on top of him. The FBI conducted an investigation and determined that there wasn’t any “racial" motive on Zimmerman’s part. The gunshot that killed Trayvon showed forensic evidence that the pistol was fired from 1-18" from Trayvon’s chest, further reinforced the theory that Zimmerman was pinned by Trayvon, in addition to a neighbor testifying to seeing Trayvon on top of Zimmerman, as well as hearing Z’s cries for help. You all can cry and deny evidence and hold onto the bias fed to you by the media, who was in some instances caught editing the 911 calls to make Zimmerman sound racist, and pushing 2-4 year old photos of Trayvon to make him look like a child (they also doctored his photos to make it seem like his skin color was lighter). The fact of the matter is that Trayvon initiated a physical confrontation with someone who had been following him, but who turned away and went to go meet with a police officer, and the confrontation ended up taking his life. The media racially sensationalized it and it was held up as the “anti-self defense/anti-gun rights" poster case of the year by people looking to capitalize on the then anti-gun frenzy. Zimmerman has had a bounty placed on his head by the Black Panthers, people have attacked innocent civilians after his address was incorrectly leaked on the internet, and people are already threatening to riot and loot if he isn’t thrown in jail to appease the mob’s interest. This man has barely managed to get a fair trial, and a multitude of disinformation and ignorance has been perpetuated over the whole ordeal, spearheaded especially by people on the internet who have dysfunctional emotional reactions over perceived social injustices. Enough already." -basedheisenberg.tumblr
Posted on: Sun, 14 Jul 2013 16:33:12 +0000

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