Stomach cancer could be prevented with grape caimarona - TopicsExpress


Stomach cancer could be prevented with grape caimarona foodnewslatam/articulos/c%C3%A1ncer-de-est%C3%B3mago-podr%C3%ADa-prevenirse-con-uva-caimarona_006554 The uvilla or caimarona grape is an Amazonian fruit that you found cytotoxic activity, ie, showed moderate toxicity against various cancer cell lines. Remember that in Colombia the most prevalent cancers in men are prostate and stomach, while women are breast, cervix and stomach. Alarmingly for both men and women, mortality in cases of stomach cancer is about 77%, according to statistics published by the Institute Cancerológico. Fruit pigments (anthocyanins) were also the focus of study for their potential in the development of food products with added value. Anthocyanins have antioxidant properties that inhibit the action of harmful species for the body, such as free radicals. Now is a boom in the world, as they are associated with the prevention of diseases like cancer and Alzheimers. Has also been reported that these substances exert a photoprotective effect against ultraviolet radiation, which reduces skin aging, said Coralia Osorio, Professor, Department of Chemistry A The fruit was processed by doctoral student Juliana Barrios, who obtained an extract was fractionated to achieve different classes of chemical compounds. The analyzes showed a relationship between mixtures of proanthocyanidins and cytotoxic and antitumor activity. However, the mechanism of action is unclear. Some scientists have suggested that proanthocyanidins inhibit tumor growth and metastasis of cancer cells, affecting the mitochondrial pathways. The presence of cytotoxic compounds Amazon Grape, its scientific name, highlights the potential of this Amazonian natural resource as a natural anticancer agent, although more research is needed to demonstrate the in vivo findings. This result is also important that the extract is made from the skin of the fruit, which is generally considered a waste. It was found that a portion of the extract was active and selective against cell lines of stomach cancer. This was discovered Professor Fabio Aristizabal, director of the Institute of Biotechnology of the UN One cause of cancer mortality is delayed diagnosis. In the case of gastric, can be successfully treated if detected early by endoscopy, ordered by the doctor when you see a profile of gastritis or ulcer. Another reason is that in our country there is a high incidence of a bacterium called Helicobacter pylori, which is associated with the incidence of stomach cancer, generating controversy and encouraging more scientific studies on the subject, as currently carried at the University of Nariño , said the professor. The aim of the work done is not framed in drug development, as this is the responsibility of pharmaceutical chemicals. By contrast, the study seeks to help, within a culture of prevention that people increase their consumption of vegetables and vegetables, which are considered functional foods that have lots of dietary fiber which helps remove toxins from the body, among many other benefits. The tree of this fruit is between 12 and 24 meters. It is called grape that comes in bunches and consumed directly after removing the shell, or used in preparation of nectars, jams and assorted sweets.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 18:10:41 +0000

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