Stop Being a Victim and Start Creating Your Life History - TopicsExpress


Stop Being a Victim and Start Creating Your Life History repeats its self, is what we hear and for KP’s the struggle for survival is not new. In one form or the other it has been there in Kashmir for thousands of years. It can be dated back to more than 1500 years ago when 2 ideologies had a conflict, however with emergence of modern Hinduism it ended the struggle between Buddhism and Brahmanism then. Perhaps the history will not also spare us for the greatest errors Kashmiri Pandits have done from time to time. The 7 time exile has its roots in the biggest blunder that Kashmiri Brahmins committed when they turned down Rinchanshah’s ambition of embracing brahmanical fold, some 600+ years ago. The blunder of not letting him in because, Pandits were not ready to share their privileges has made this community pay till now. You should be surprised to learn that this error deflected Rinchan and was lured by Shahmir and Bulbul Shah to embrace Islam thus leading to a big shift in Kashmir’s demography and resultantly a blunder responsible for the destruction and decline and ruin of KP’s very existence and we continue to pay for it till day History does not stay silent and in future will also be written, perhaps our killing and persecution will be clear on the wall, what also will be written is our mistakes and errors committed that is responsible for our continued ruin and no learnings from the mistakes We have now embraced the philosophy of blames and counter blames. Lets stop blaming others and step up take responsibility of our own future and get out of the conventional thinking and tactically strategize every move. While everyone blames us that we are not one, let that be so and can we convert that into a living example of unity in diversity. Even if we are following different paths, let the community stay one. The current era is the era of democracies and power shifts are determined how accurately society maneuvers political equations. Perhaps the murder of KP existence has happened under the shadow of democratic institutions it is the same democratic institution that continues to give refugee. We should be thankful to our stars that this exodus, that was in waiting, happened after partition though unfortunately post partition no government made serious attempt to reverse it and finally we are where we are. As a community now we need to ensure we are propagating or be part of such resettlement plans, that has the maximum assurance of not repeating further exodus from Kashmir and untill we donot get that fairly, we must continue to get every possible support for our survival with dignity and honour. Be it safeguarding, culture, education, community issues, health and any other basic amenity. Perhaps there would have 100’s of questions, We need to question and ask that in last 25 years of exile: · Why has not been any commission constituted that investigated the causes of the exile in 1989? · As a part of Kashmir and having right on the resources of the state, has the rightful share been provided to this community in exile. Has this community got its due share of schemes, programs that are meant for its citizens and state subjects? And I am not talking of relief here. · How has government ensured the safety of what we have left behind e.g my property, temples, culture etc? Through a political and social activism, we need to work with organizations, that assure safeguarding our ethnicity and identity and keep our aim of return positively alive. Since partition, the manner in which parties or organizations have governed the state and the country have messed up with KP’s that has resulted into havoc as well. In the new era of democratization, we need to work with organizations, who hold the highest promise and assurance to above and where we can have the confidence of moving the mountain. Only we can do this and no one else can come and do this for us. Lets take the ownership. In the long run, we shape our lives, and we shape ourselves. The process never ends until we die. And the choices we make are ultimately our own responsibility. Lets make the right choice with responsibility now and show we are not dead but alive and need to be heard. Raj Nehru.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 05:19:44 +0000

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