Stop Feeling Lousy About Yourself and Start Living a Life of - TopicsExpress


Stop Feeling Lousy About Yourself and Start Living a Life of Self-Happiness Where You Live Up to Your Potential and Dare to Follow Your Dreams BY The Self-Esteem Course~Premium Products~The Positivity Blog Did you ever have an opportunity that you didn’t go for because you didn’t feel like you could do it? Do you sometimes feel like you cannot ask for what you truly want or say no because you fear being rejected? Do you feel like no matter how good you do things at work or in school you are still not good enough or happy on the inside? Do you feel like you are not someone who could have or deserve success in the most important areas in life such as love, friendship, career, finances or your health? Do you feel like you have not lived up to your potential yet and are quite often discouraged by what you have accomplished in life so far? And do you think you’d have more success in life if you were happier on the inside? Well, being in such a place is not uncommon. I used to be in that place. And many are there today in various degrees. That is why this course, the 12-week course simply called the Self-Esteem Course is all about understanding and raising your own self-esteem step-by-step. So that you can be happier and more successful in your life. How I have improved my own self-esteem and you can too… Being in a place of low self-esteem is not a good but an all too common place to be in the world today. It can feel terribly restricting. You don’t go for what you really want most of the time. And it feels like life never seems to really start for you or truly grow compared to the people you see around you. But this is not something that is set in stone. Low self-esteem is an issue and a challenge but it is something that can be improved greatly upon so that you can feel great about yourself and live your life to its full potential too. I think my story with self-esteem is a pretty common one. I didn’t have atrociously bad self-esteem but I was down on myself quite a lot and didn’t feel like I deserved very much in life. So I held myself back from the success in wanted. I held myself back from trying to live up to my potential. Over the past years things have changed for me. And in this course I want to share what I have learned, what has actually worked and still works to keep my self-esteem up even through rough parts of my days and weeks. In the Self-Esteem Course you will each week for 12 weeks get a part of the puzzle of high self-esteem. Exercises for understanding. I will share the powerful exercises that helped me to understand myself better and to make steady improvements in how view myself and the world. Strategies so that you don’t get dragged down in everyday life. I’ll share the ways I have learned to handle those common situations, habits and pitfalls that can drag your self-esteem down on a daily basis. The habits of high self-esteem. I’ll share the habits I have cultivated that allow me to feel a lot better about myself and feel the inner freedom to explore life as I want to. Many of the strategies, tips and exercises in this course are things I have never even mentioned on my blog or newsletter before. Helping yourself through life’s ups and downs and towards your dreams… Having a healthy sense of self-esteem is much like building and maintaining your personal physical fitness. It is not something you do once and it is fixed for the rest of your life. But in this course I’ll give you the tools to build it up and then you can run with it and keep it up week after week and month after month, through life’s ups and downs and on the winding path towards your own small, big and awesome dreams and goals. Because that is what a healthy sense of self-esteem is about. That you feel and think that you are worthy of good things, happiness and love. In your relationships and socially, at work or in school, with your health, finances and other important things in life. It is about you feeling good about yourself even when you encounter criticism, failure or if your work is not done in a perfect manner or if you are not achieving things all the time. It’s about being good to yourself just like you would be good to your best friend. The most important positive changes that this course will help you make are how to: Deep down feel like you truly trust yourself to be able to handle life and making the important decisions and that you deserve to have and to get more good and awesome things in your life. Uncover and reclaim your inner core of unchanging self-esteem. Discover your factual strengths and weaknesses and a more balanced and nuanced perspective towards yourself and your world. Talk back to your own inner critic, stop it before it can damage you and your life even more and then replace it with healthier habits. Finally lay off and overcome your own most self-critical and most self-esteem damaging thought habits. Handle mistakes and failure in a way that preserves your self-esteem levels and allows you to learn from what happened. Respond to criticism in a more understanding and levelheaded way. Stop comparing yourself and your life to other people and their lives. Replace your perfectionism with more helpful and healthy habits. Cultivate more compassion and understanding for yourself and for other people. Find your most important dreams and set up goals and effective strategies that will help you reach those dreams and fulfill your untapped inner potential. Stay on course while you work towards what you want and to not self-sabotage when you get it. Simply stop feeling lousy or negatively about yourself and start feeling good about yourself and happier on the inside.
Posted on: Fri, 06 Sep 2013 08:33:41 +0000

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