Stop Hiding Images of American Torture by The Newyork Times on - TopicsExpress


Stop Hiding Images of American Torture by The Newyork Times on 31-08-2014 BRussells Tribunal The greatest threat to that safety lies not in the photographs of horrific behavior; it lies in the fact of the behavior itself. A hooded man standing on a box, electrodes wired to his fingers. A naked prisoner lying on a cement floor, a leash around his neck held casually by an American soldier. The bloody bodies of dead inmates with their heads bashed in. Ten years later, the photos leaked from Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq remain seared into the American consciousness. But while the United States government was unable to prevent their release, more than 2,000 other photos taken at various American military facilities in Iraq and Afghanistan have remained hidden under a 2009 law. By
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 20:09:21 +0000

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