Stop blaming ur today for D mistakes of yesterday.Stop worrying - TopicsExpress


Stop blaming ur today for D mistakes of yesterday.Stop worrying about things U cant change.Never allow the agonies of D past to put ur future on hold.It doesnt matter how U fall what matters is how U rise and learm from it.Failing doesnt makes U a failure.The greatest failures R those who never tried at all.Some mistakes of life r beyond being careful.Theres is a reason for every events in life.FORGIVE URSELF,ACCEPT URSELF n PRAY TO GOD.Dont die in silence for fear peoples gossip.To see life clearly try to close Ur eyes.Remember U came to this life alone and U will leave alone.U r not here to please anyone.Whoever cant have access to ur destiny can never laugh at you.Self pity will take ur self esteem while depression takes ur joy.Never give D control of ur life to ur problem.Ur problem is not your destiny.Its a temporary stage that everybody has to pass.Everybody has a story to tell,but If GOD keeps U alive HÊ surely has a plan for U Gud Morning and Happy Jumaat to u all.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 08:41:32 +0000

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