Stop caring so much about the people who don’t like you. - TopicsExpress


Stop caring so much about the people who don’t like you. Seriously, just stop. Cuz there’s a whole slew of others who love you. Like me. Find your tribe. There will ALWAYS be someone saying something. Someone who does not like what you are doing, wearing, writing. Get over it. They will always exist. Its something were all prone to doing. Thats why I always ask my workshops and retreats a question that I call “The 1 and 100.” I ask, If there is a room with 100 people and they all love you, except one, who do you focus on? Almost everyone says the 1. Yea, me too. Its a thing we do, isnt it? So we put our energy into getting the 1 to love us. All that precious energy focused on someone simply because we think it means something about who we are in the world when someone decides they dont like us for whatever reason theyve chosen. We give our attention and energy to someone who may not give a flying rats ass (as my mom would say) about us. Its not always fun to look at ourselves. Especially when you realize that the very thing you are bothered by exists in you somewhere, even if in the smallest part of you. Most of us take ourselves too seriously. Hey, I didnt say ALL. If you are one of the people who doesnt take yourself too seriously, who realizes that most of the stuff we get upset by (traffic, gossip, hurt ego, etc.)wont matter in a year, can we maybe have lunch? I would like to surround myself with more of that. I would like that to rub off on me more because you know, we are all contagious beings. Like I say in my poem called How To Make A Life, Let your joy be contagious. Let it spread through your home, your job, your children, So that every once in a while, when you forget it, Youll catch it from someone else. Were totally contagious beings, so when we get our panties all in a twist, we spread that twistedness and upset and drama. What I am saying is this: Lighten up. We could probably all use this message. I know I can. This is why I have the rule in my yoga class that If you fall you must laugh. So many people stumble and look like theyve just gotten fired. Its. Not. That. Big. Of. A Deal. Its just a tree pose, yo. Lighten up. That lightness will actually help us balance. Thats the irony. Take note of the things that offend you. Take note as to where you are putting your beloved energy. I hope its worth it. Ill do the same.
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 18:02:54 +0000

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