Stop dwelling on the past I will not live my life in regret, - TopicsExpress


Stop dwelling on the past I will not live my life in regret, but will look beyond where I am now, seeing new possibilities, being open to new ideas and expecting great things in future. A song from my mother’s Christian Women Fellowship group says keep ploughing ahead and never look back for he who holds the plough and keeps looking back is not fit for the kingdom of God/Universe. My mother took quite a while trying to explain what the words meant, because it got to a point where I was not able to let go of the past. I held on to a lot of things which in turn held me back, thus making it hard for me to move on. When I had my son, people called me all kinds of names from outcast to loser. But as time unfolded and I became mentally mature, I realized it was a waste of my time dwelling on things long gone and done, which I cannot change. I also realized that whatever we said or did in the past is history which I consider a place of reference and never a place of residence and is not worth crying ourselves to sleep about. We could, instead, use those mistakes to help us address future issues so we don’t make the same mistakes again. What matters is not where we were yesterday and what we did but where we are going and what we will be doing. It’s truly alright to forgive yourself, shake off the dust of bitterness from past hurts and move on. If we can get this mind-set, then it’s OK to leave the rest to God/Universe. My father always said to let go of the past and let God/Universe take control, for He alone can take our messes and turn them into miracles. He further said if you let the things of the past over shadow your mind, you will miss out on the good things of life like tremendous opportunities, new hopes and new dreams that every new day brings. He always advised people to stop being so entrenched in the disappointments and mistakes of the past. Yes, people might have said a ton of negative things about you, but they don’t determine your destiny, only God/Universe does. Therefore, Let’s choose Happiness as an attitude and Forgiveness as a journey to freedom, Free our hearts from hatred, Free our hearts from worries, I choose to live this day content, happy and grateful for what God/Universe has given me. The biggest issue in our lives does not necessarily come from the situation we face but from the way we think of them. We could choose to forever let the problems to rule our lives. We could take charge of our minds and direct our thoughts towards positive things and for solutions to grow. Dwelling on things that have long been gone is very unnecessary and time wasted. In the course of our lives on earth, all sorts of things will happen to us and around us. That’s part of the dynamics of life. What matters to our well-being is what we allow to happen. It is from our inner souls that our personal world evolves. Even if you are blessed with bounty, you will miss the joy of living if your mind is not focus. Time after time, we are challenged to maintain our beliefs, establish a great relationship with ourselves and within our abilities to set things right. We have to choose the opportunity to grow when faced with difficulties rather than see it as a problem. In each of our lives, there are things that will throw us completely off balance if we’re not in charge of our thinking, for instance there can be tough financial crisis, parenting under pressure, problems at work, teenage and single motherhood, being laid off work plus many other things. When this happens, we can lose sight of the ability to control our feelings and reactions, therefore driving us to act in very inappropriate ways which can worsen things instead. There are people around us like family members, friends, co-workers who are just so manipulative and find pleasure in giving others hard times. They enjoy seeing others sad and miserable. Watch out for them and don’t give them a chance to exercise their power over your life. Guide your mind and put your life into the right perspective no matter what the circumstances. Instead of wasting precious time dwelling on the past or on things that will affect your mind negatively, look for reasons to be happy, things that are meaningful and rewarding, get involved in activities that you like. MAKE YOURSELF USEFUL. The Word Happiness is an attitude and a decision. We have the choice to spend the whole day in our beds recounting all the bad things that happens to us or get out of bed and start each day with a positive attitude, looking for opportunities to grow, and excel in whatever we do, while thanking God for the privilege of living. I will not live my life in regret, but will look beyond where I am now, seeing new possibilities, being open to new ideas and expecting great things in future. God does not bless ungratefulness, He blesses gratefulness. Remember we are all building our own homes. We can choose to spend all our time and lives dwelling on what we do not have or thanking and blessing God for what we have. A Prayer Guide me in life so that I should Focus on what matters, rather than on The matter of things in my life and in the world. Amen! Kuja, Marie-Claire - False Labels:Dont Let People Label You:13 Uplifting Short Stories of Inspiration,Hope,Encouragement & Empowerment.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 22:58:38 +0000

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