Stop paying your taxes and bankrupt the beast. Monday morning, - TopicsExpress


Stop paying your taxes and bankrupt the beast. Monday morning, complete another W-4 with your employer to change your status. Request your employer to adjust -0- tax to be with held from your check. If your employer asks why, simply tell them that you will handle your taxes on your own. Youre either gonna do something or youre not. Republicans in DC are doing nothing to stop any of this. Heard a bit about info below on Today show this morning. South American countries are being advised by Obama for people to send their kids to America without parents. Once the kids get amnesty, their parents will as well. Then they will be eligible for all welfare benefits and they will be able vote within 30 days. Border patrol agents have been taken off the border and ordered to just process the kids. Currently, 47,000 children are being housed, clothed and fed along the border waiting to be processed. All is a part of the refugees flooding to America. Blessings...
Posted on: Sun, 08 Jun 2014 17:55:19 +0000

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