Stop the Thyroid Madness: Top Ten Signs You Have Insulin - TopicsExpress


Stop the Thyroid Madness: Top Ten Signs You Have Insulin Resistance...since many of us working through thyroid issues have this going on. Insulin resistance is so common it now has multiple names. You may hear it called “metabolic syndrome,” “Syndrome X,” Lady with Insulin Resistance“pre-diabetes,” or “dysmetabolic syndrome.” MedicineNet says recent studies found 32% of the US population has insulin resistance. Sadly, this number includes many children. Why is insulin resistance so common? Our modern lifestyle tends to combine a lack of exercise with a high carbohydrate eating style. This combination forces the body to release high amounts of insulin to counteract the blood sugar increases caused by the high intake of carbohydrates. Over time, the body’s cells become overwhelmed by the high levels of insulin in the bloodstream. They therefore stop absorbing and using the insulin. Insulin Resistance tends to be a precursor to Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and other negative health conditions. For more information on Insulin Resistance, please read Metabolic Syndrome: Modern Epidemic. 1st 3 signs of Insulin Resistance: The following signs may indicate you have insulin resistance: 1) Weight gain, especially around the stomach and waist: Insulin signals the body to store fat, so increased levels of insulin caused by insulin resistance often creates an increase in body fat. The waist is the most common location of body fat caused by insulin resistance. People with insulin resistance often gain weight or find it impossible to lose weight even if they are eating less and exercising more. For more information on insulin, read Surprising Facts About Insulin. 2) Fatigue: Increased insulin levels and insulin resistance put a strain on the body that results in decreased energy levels. People who reverse insulin resistance often comment the increase in energy is their favorite part of restoring their health. 3) Feeling sleepy after eating a big meal: Insulin resistance often results in slightly elevated glucose levels after a big meal loaded with carbohydrates. The body puts such a high priority on digestion it will divert energy from other body systems to help digest the meal. This, combined with the energy-draining effects of elevated blood sugars, often results in sleepiness. The other 7 signs are here: goodworkswellness/tell-insulin-resistance/
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 23:03:39 +0000

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