Stop the Violence and Terrorism of Poverty, Over-Taxation, - TopicsExpress


Stop the Violence and Terrorism of Poverty, Over-Taxation, Un-Equitable Distribution of Wealth and Robbery of Those Who Are in Power! (By: Delmar T. Taclibon) Filipinos have endured all great Violence and Terrorism but survived; the terrorism and violence of Poverty, Greed and Insatiable crave for Power and Wealth of the Rich and Powerful. To the extent of mutilating our arms and limbs of the basic freedom to speak the truth – that we are a People and Country over-taxed, under-paid, over-worked and over-robbed by those who are in power whose main objective is to aggrandize themselves with the taxes we paid instead of trickling-down the gains of economy they claim in the form of equitable distribution of wealth – that may in return propel the economy more, by means of commodity spending. With honor and pride, we can still hurdle the tests of violence and terrorism of poverty, over-taxation, un-equitable distribution of wealth and robbery of the powers-that-be, but how long will it last? Are we still human enough to exist with our arms and legs mutilated as a symbol of “Distortion of the True Situation” of our dying nation – with an outstanding National Debt of Php5.5 Trillion to be paid by every Filipinos @ Php65,000 per – that is, even in a thousand years we cannot pay! The greatest threats to Good Governance come from corruption and graft, violence of all sort and poverty – all of which undermine Transparency, Security, Participation and Fundamental Freedoms. Democratic Governance to serve the people (not Democratic Governance to Rob the People) advances development, by bringing its energies to bear on such tasks as eradicating penury/poverty, protecting the Environment, ensuring gender equality, adhering to the true intent and letter of Laws and the Constitution, gearing towards Self-Efficiency and Self-Reliant Nation, and provides sustainable livelihoods for all. It ensures that society itself plays an active role in setting priorities and making the needs of the most vulnerable people in society ever known. In fact well governed countries are less likely to be violent and less likely to be poor; and in poorly governed countries, wealth of those who govern is something to be ashamed of, and to be proud of it is insatiable bestiality. When the under-privileged, marginalized, and the alienated are allowed to speak and their human rights are protected, they are less likely turn to “violent means” as an ultimate solution. When the myriad poor are given a voice, their governments are more likely to invest in national policies that reduce poverty. In so doing, Good Governance provides the setting for “Equitable Distribution of Wealth from Growth.” -Delmar Topinio Taclibon- Reference: Corporate Social Responsibility as a Function of Leadership and Management: Basis for Policy Formulation, Chapter II, Theoretical Framework, Governance, pp 61-62, Dissertation on Doctorate Degree in Development Administration, Philippine Christian University School of Management and Graduate Studies, Damarinas Campus, Delmar T. Taclibon, 2013 The Image: taken from the Japanese Film by Takashi Mike 13 Assassins of 2011 > one of the greatest Japanese Films ever made...
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 07:43:32 +0000

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