Stop war in Gaza!! Salaam, Israel will carry out a ground - TopicsExpress


Stop war in Gaza!! Salaam, Israel will carry out a ground invasion into Palestine, we know the intention is to wipe out the Palestinians, Allah knows the outcome. There is little we can do in our actions, so let us all make a collective dua, please read, then say Aameen. Ya Allah, Ya Rabbul Alameen, Ya Rahman Ya Raheem, we thank you first and foremost for every good and bad, we thank you even for the horrific trials inflicted on our Ummah for they have awoken us. Ya Allah, the most powerful, the most merciful and forgiving, in the month of Ramadhan we ask you to protect our Ummah, to forgive and have mercy upon us. Ya Allah we ask you to help our Ummah which is one body, and to help Palestinians and the region of Ash-Shaam which is the heart of the Ummah. We ask you to liberate Ash-Sham and provide us with our Caliph, our shield and our leader, verily all good comes from you. Ya Rabb we ask you in the month of victory, grant our Ummah victory over the Kufr. Ya Allah help us take back the lands that are rightfully ours and live under Islam always. Ya Allah we ask you to have mercy on the people of Gaza, to provide them with comfort, shelter, aid and strength, to increase their imaan and their sabr and to raise their ranks in Jannah, to ease their pain and reward their efforts, we ask you to look after the survivors and make them the strongest of believers one day, and to accept those who are killed into Jannatul Firdaws. And finally, Ya Rabb we ask you to deal with the enemies of Islam, to overthrow them, just as you did with the tyrants of the past, we ask you, just as you wiped out Nimrood and Firawn, to wipe out tyrants like Assad and Natenyahu, to wipe out those who hate on Islam, who slander it and provoke hatred for it, those who attack our Ummah and those who sit and watch, we ask you to deal with the muslim rulers who have failed our Ummah for over 90 years. Ya Allah, deal with the enemies of Islam such that they will seek death but will be unable to find it, and will be in the worst forms of pain, and will experience the worst of punishments in this dunya and in Akhira. Ya Allah, we ask you to order Jibreel to deal with the oppressors as he dealt with the people of Aad, to show no mercy upon them just like he removed any room for mercy for Firawn. Ya Allah, accept our duas and help our Ummah, the Ummah is weak, in pain, and in need of your shade, so grant us your shade. AMEEN THUMMA AMEEN! Please forward IA, dua is our most powerful too!!
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 16:50:10 +0000

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