Stories of the, “The Hidden Realm”, that which is hidden to - TopicsExpress


Stories of the, “The Hidden Realm”, that which is hidden to most. As some of you know I am living in town now. As I walked tonight in town I remember, remember what? What used to be. As I walked by one of the churches I looked and I could see in my minds eye, an old picture of a stucco building and a church sign with a young lady standing by it. Many of us had this young lady as our teacher, many of us and our children too. That church used to preach the gospel and hold evangelistic meetings. Yes where an evangelist used to come in and preach and he called sin, sin and preached the gospel of Jesus Christ and testimonies of what Christ had done in the lives of people used to be shared and than things started to change and I remember when we would sing there, and we were told not to talk or share, just sing. And we couldn’t preach the gospel so we sang the gospel. In some of the churches back than 35+ years ago we could share and preach and in some meeting young people got saved (gave their lives over to Christ) Some of you will read this and remember some of those nights because Jesus touched you in those meetings. I remember, I can still see you as young people at the alter responding to the Spirits calling you. I will give a little room in my wording of this, but this church hasn’t preach the gospel for years and are there changed lives??? Are there testimonies of change lives by the power of the cross of Christ??? Key wording here is the power of the cross of Christ. As I walk I pray for eyes to be open for the Holy Spirit to bring conviction of sin, and… lives to be transformed… By What??? “For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.” I Cor. 1:18 nkjv. By what are the lives changed? By the POWER of GOD. As I stand in the intersection I pray against the strongman’s hold on a place we call a place of worship and move up the street a little and… began to pray against the demon, who blinds the eyes and teaches the people. As slowly as things changed in the stucco church in the picture the change is happening and has mostly happen at this church too. Sweet words are preached and a mixing with the world just like the first church it just took a little longer. If you question what I’m writing maybe you should go back and read your bibles… in the Old Testament… and read about God’s chosen people and than ask yourselves, “Who do you think you are?” God’s chosen people crossed the Red Sea and the Jordan and did what? Turn away to foreign gods. Could it happen to us? Oh, yes it could and it has… “Prone to wonder Lord I feel it, prone to leave the God I love,” from an old hymn. I wonder are we smarter or spiritually stronger and can do better than God’s chosen people and we now can mix the sin of the world, the foreign gods with God in our lives and live for Christ… Really what do you think? I asked a young man if he new the presence of the Lord? What it was? He answered, “What are you talking about?” From this church with the sweet words. I talked to another young man who led worship and not to long ago was up front leading worship at this church if he new their was a power of the Spirit of God that comes with a person to lead or bring people into the presence of God during worship and he had no idea what I was talking about. Sweet words without power. And a mixing of the world with the people I know what I’m talking about I see it, it has not escaped the Spirit of God. He noticed. I walked on and there is a cross lighting up the church and I remember the tissue boxes in the pews for the tears… And the testimonies shared there… Where are your tears, are they gone? I met the demon one night in the back of this church as some young men prayed during the night hours. He came through your doors to stop these young men and destroy them. Have you encouraged these young men to stand to stand up for Christ or have you… The Demon walked right through your back doors this hulking creature and I met him there with my bible in my hand held over my chest we look at each other and I said you must leave. He stood there for awhile not moving just staring, “You must leave.” He was not happy as he turned… He came into your church I wonder how often he comes maybe he doesn’t have to come anymore… I wonder… why… Oh! The young men praying forsaking the sin of the world not mixing it with their lives… Oh, they are the ones who need to be defeated. Stand young men stand in Christ alone. As I walk I look, and see… And I would ask you a question. What do you see? What do you see?? Have you eye’s to see??? Or, have you in compromise with the foreign gods, fallen asleep???? pdw If you have some thing to say to me I have a front door its just moved from the country side to the town, but I still have a front door, you are welcome to come, please come, but you probably won’t
Posted on: Tue, 24 Sep 2013 03:20:48 +0000

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