Story #1 from Brie Gallinger - I know I would not be the - TopicsExpress


Story #1 from Brie Gallinger - I know I would not be the person I am today without my midwives. I would not be the confident parent I am today without their influence and support. It all started when I was 34 weeks with my first pregnancy. I was taking a hospital birth class and had just written my birth plan. I went to a routine OB check and left feeling sad, lost and hopeless. I very quickly realized a bit too late that my OB and I did not see eye to eye on any part of my birth plan. Right there in the parking lot, I turned to my husband and told him I will NOT be having that OB deliver my baby. Naturally, my next question was, who will? I called other OBs but they were too full to accept new patients. After feeling defeated, I googled midwives in Arizona. I quickly found Connie Canadas contact info. It was a Sunday so I expected to receive a voicemail. To my surprise, she answered right away AND was able to meet with me a few hours later. Any glimmer of hope that I had quickly emerged to the surface. I was excited. I eagerly wrote up a long list of inquisitive questions. The meeting went wonderful. Better than I could have ever imagined. The exact birth that I had dreamed of having was everything they had to offer. No words could describe the relief I felt knowing that I was not being ridiculed for the way I wanted to birth my baby. I decided to continue my hospital birth class despite switching to a home birth. My instructor, Amey, was a great resource. I was so excited to go to the next class and tell her about my news. As I informed Amey, her face looked rather shocked. With a puzzled look, she asked which midwives I switched to. I replied while grinning ear to ear, Connie and Robin!. I will never forget the look on Ameys face. She cheerfully exclaimed how she was apprenticing for the same midwives! It was that moment that I truly had the feeling that this was meant to be. Any fears that were trying to make me doubt switching at 34 weeks were immediately forgotten. I spent 5 weeks quickly getting to know Connie and Robin. The level of care was astounding. From hour long appointments, warm genuine care and a great support team. They have excelled in more ways than I think they realize. A few weeks later, Connie, Robin and Amey were all supporting me during my labor. I truly feel that they gave me the confidence, respect and love that I deserve above and beyond my expectations. I felt so empowered after giving birth that I brought my second into the world 25 months later. They will forever be a part of my family. Thank you Connie & Robin for all that you do!
Posted on: Sat, 03 May 2014 14:26:59 +0000

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