Story: Potency of prasadam! Once Sripad Ramanujacarya was - TopicsExpress


Story: Potency of prasadam! Once Sripad Ramanujacarya was walking along a pond with few 5 top sannyasi disciples. Stopping by a pond, he took some prasadam and threw half of it in the water for the fishes. Then he got up to walk on. The fishes that took the prasadam assumed the four handed forms, rose up in the air and reached Vaikuntha. When his disciples saw this they are wonder stuck. They were amazed by this scene. So this 5 sannyasis stopped and didnt wanted to move forward. Ramanuja turned and asked them why they were not following. They said, We are thunder- struck. Please explain what we have just seen. Otherwise, how can we follow behind you in this condition? Ramanuja told them that its the potency of maha - prasadam ( remnants of food eaten by great devotees of Krishna ). When they inquired how although they had been honoring the maha - prasadam all these years - nothing had happened to them so far, Ramanauja replied - These creatures have no free will, and therefore make no offense. Nor do they doubt the transcendental power of maha - prasadam. So they get full benefit at once. But you with your free will and human intelligence make offenses and are lacking in faith, and thus you hinder your own progress. ( Story narrated in biography of Ramanujaacarya ) Moral of the story: Krishna prasadam has immense potency. But many times we dont realise its power. So whenever we honour prasadam - we should understand that its Krishnas mercy and honour the same with faith and gratitude. Holly book Caitanya Caritamrita Antya 16.59 says: krsnera ucchista haya `maha-prasada nama `bhakta-sesa haile `maha-maha-prasadakhyana The remnants of food offered to Lord Krsna are called maha-prasadam. After this same maha-prasadam has been taken by a devotee, the remnants are elevated to maha-maha-prasadam. TEXT 60 bhakta-pada-dhuli ara bhakta-pada-jala bhakta-bhukta-avasesa,--tina maha-bala The dust of the feet of a devotee, the water that has washed the feet of a devotee, and the remnants of food left by a devotee are three very powerful substances. TEXT 61 ei tina-seva haite krsna-prema haya punah punah sarva-sastre phukariya kaya By rendering service to these three, one attains the supreme goal of ecstatic love for Krsna. In all the revealed scriptures this is loudly declared again and again. TEXT 62 tate bara bara kahi,--suna bhakta-gana visvasa kariya kara e-tina sevana Therefore, my dear devotees, please hear from me, for I insist again and again: please keep faith in these three and render service to them without hesitation. TEXT 63 tina haite krsna-nama-premera ullasa krsnera prasada, tate `saksi kalidasa From these three one achieves the highest goal of life-ecstatic love of Krsna. This is the greatest mercy of Lord Krsna. The evidence is Kalidasa himself. Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare. PS: I humbly request all the devotees to please forward and share this moral / instructive stories they hear so that everyone can be benefitted by hearing about Krishna and his dear devotees.
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 06:00:26 +0000

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