Story Time I have a gift for you, Lilly Loni said shyly - TopicsExpress


Story Time I have a gift for you, Lilly Loni said shyly cradling the small glass heart in his hands. Lilly looked at him with a curious expression What is it? she asked, He gently placed the glass heart in her hands Its my heart, you have it now He grinned as his cheeks burned red. Lilly smiled at him, her beautiful hazel eyes glimmering with delight Its beautiful, Loni. A man walked by, bumping into Lilly, knocking her over. Loni, reacting quickly caught her before she got hurt, But his glass heart shattered on the concrete. Lilly, are you alright?! he looked her over for scrapes and bruises Im, Im fine, But your heart.. she said gesturing to the shining pieces on the sidewalk. Dont worry about it, Im just glad youre alright, My real heart would break if anything happened to you Lilly blushed at his words I have to go.. Im expected home Loni nodded understanding and watched as she walked away.. Loni was picking up the pieces of his glass heart, bit by bit he cradled the shards in his hand. Excuse me, young man? Why are you picking up that broken glass with your bare hands? Said a woman from behind. Loni looked up at her with a small smile and said I need this, I have to fix it the woman paused for a moment then asked Why not just sweep it up and get a new one? Theres plenty more at the store, Much prettier too Loni looked down at the small shards for a moment then looked back up at the woman Because this one isnt broken he replied. She stared curiously at him, her expression perplexed by his words. He had gathered all of the pieces and walked through town, stopping at every jewelry store in search of someone to help him fix the broken glass heart. Loni was turned away by everyone in town, no one knew how to fix it, or they didnt care to. His hands started to bleed from the shards scraping his skin, He wandered home to his empty house. Laying the shards carefully on the table, Loni worked all through the night trying to fix the heart. Lilly knocked on the door to Lonis house, after a few moments she let herself in. Loni? She called out, wandering to the kitchen she found him with his head on his arms, fast asleep with the glass shards on the table. Oh Loni.. she walked over to him and kissed the top of his head waking him up, Hey, Lilly.. she gestured to the glass on the table trying to fix it? she asked, He nodded. Let me try she reached for the glass, No! he said carefully grabbing her wrist youll just get hurt he sighed, she saw the scrapes on his hands, Ill be alright, Loni. you worry too much. Go lay down, please? He sighed knowing how stubborn she was, He got up and layed on the couch thinking the glass heart was a lost cause.. Loni! He awoke hearing Lilly yelling for him, He scrambled to the kitchen worried she had gotten hurt. He stared in awe and she gently cradled the glass heart in her hands, it looked more perfect than it had originally. How did..? I dont know.. I just did.. He smiled at her, and he leaned down to kiss her forehead you never cease to amaze me.. Time had passed, Loni and Lilly moved in together. The glass heart placed carefully on a hand statue atop of the fireplace. Lilly! Loni yelled angrily, Lilly walked into the living room What, Loni she said, her voice filled with irritation. Why were you with Koby? He snapped, Because I can be! she snapped back. They fought for what seemed like hours until finally Lilly pushed Loni back against the fireplace and screamed Im leaving! , in that moment, The glass heart fell from the statue and shattered on the floor. Loni stared after her as she walked out the door, Wondering why he had gotten so angry in the first place. He saw the glass shards shining in the light, slowly piece by piece he began picking up the shards. Lilly cried for hours that night, crashing on her friends couch. How did it get to this? Why was she even spending time with Koby in the first place, Loni had the right to be mad. Why was she?. She decided tomorrow morning she would go back to Loni and make it right. The next morning Lilly walked into the house, unsure of what would happen when she saw Loni. She heard the faint sound of crying coming from the kitchen. Lilly made her way to the doorway and found him there hovering over the shards on the table. Loni..? she said softly, he looked up at her, His eyes bloodshot and his hair a mess, He obviously hadnt slept. Lilly.. he coughed to clear his throat I.. I cant fix it, I only got half of it back together he said gesturing to the half glass heart on the table and the scattered shards. His hands were wrapped in bandages. Let me see it.. Lilly said moving next to him. An hour later, they had fixed the glass heart again. This time it shined more vibrantly than before. Youre the only one who can fix it he said quietly, in realization. This one he said covering the glass heart she held in her hand with his, and this one he whispered while carefully taking her other hand and placing it over his chest. No one else could fix the glass, And no one else can heal this heart beating in me. Its you, Only you he whispered with tears in his eyes, Lilly gently wiped his tears away. Lilly smiled sweetly at him and said Good thing Im here to stay..
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 09:41:34 +0000

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