Story Time!!! Story Story!!! A farmer once had many horses but - TopicsExpress


Story Time!!! Story Story!!! A farmer once had many horses but there was one he loved the most. One day he walked into his stable to find his favourite horse lying weak on the floor. This made him unhappy and he called the veterinary doctor to come help look at the animals health condition. The doctor came few minutes after and after diagnosing the animal for a long time stood up and shook his head and walked with the farmer following behind a little distance away from the sick horse. He told the farmer: The animal is sick. It is infected with a virus which he may not survive but I shall administer some injections and see what the results would be. If it does not get better in the next three days then I am afraid we will have to shoot it and let it die so it does not infect the other animals. The farmer was sad. He shook his head painfully and sat in a pensive and still mood many hour after the doctor left. His favourite horse was dying and there seems to be no hope, he thought. The goat who had been closeby joyously eating his leaves when the doctor told the farmer that the horse was to be killed if it does not recover was immediately stiffened the moment he heard it. He knew his master loved the horse very well and he also would not like to see a good friend of his die. So he ran to the horse and said: Look, there have given you three days to recover else they will kill you. So you had better make efforts to get up before the day after tomorrow. The next day, the doctor called to asked if there had been any improvement but the farmer answered sadly that there had been none. The goat again went to the horse and shout: Fool, idiot! I told you there were going to kill you tomorrow if you do not pretend as if you are well and here you are still lying like a dead rat! Are you so foolish? The horse was too weak to answer the goat, it could only groan in reply. Meanwhile, the farmer had his double barrel gun cleaned up that evening, and he inserted two shinny bullets into it and went to sleep waiting for the first cock crow in the morning before he goes to the stable to kill the horse. The goat all night stood by the horse, encouraging it not to give up, begging it to stand up. Even getting annoyed and kicking it but the horse refused to bulge. The goat knelt and slept beside the horse through the night. Then in the morning it stood up again and began pleading with the horse to get up. Out of annoyance, it used its horn to push the horse and force it to get up. The goat pushed and suddenly the horse was getting up. One, hmmm, two, hmmm, three, hmmm! mumbled the goat while lifting the horse up with its horn and on the count of five, the horse was standing on his four limbs! Hurray! Hurray! shouted the goat. Then he told the horse, now run, run through the fields and let them see you running! The horse did as commanded and that was when the cock declaring it is morning made it first crow. The farmer woke up, got his double barrel gun and walked towards the stable to kill the horse but when he approached the field, he saw his favourite horse running up and down the field. At first he thought it was a dream and he rubbed his eyes and looked again yet there was his horse running about on the field. Hurray! Hurray! Hurray!!! Shouted the farmer. He called his family together and told them the good news, there were all happy and he told them that it was worth a celebration. There must be a feast, he said and he told his son to go and bring the goat. The goat was to be used in celebrating the horse recovery from illness! Now, in life we do good things and we are often rewarded badly. I pray for you that as you enter into this new year, you shall not be repaid with evil for the good things you do. Did I hear you say AMEN?
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 20:42:24 +0000

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