Story Time: There was this man and this women of God.. who - TopicsExpress


Story Time: There was this man and this women of God.. who actually didnt know each other... they just knew God... Both were saved and filled with the holy ghost.. they loved God... they were called to be leaders.. always diligent and about their Fathers business... People greeted them day in and day out... they told them how much they meant to them.. how much they encouraged them... how proud they were of them... they were always blessed by this and instantly gave all the glory to God at all times.... they would smile... keep walking and bless God.... One day... as they were walking someone finally noticed after some time... spots of blood on the ground... this person was alarmed... but never thought anything else about it... they went to church... jumped... shouted and praised God just like any other Sunday... after service they said boy Pastor that was a really good message.... the Pastor did what they normally would do... smiled.. and instantly gave all glory to God.. and blessed them... Someone else was walking one day and saw the same droplets of blood... although at this time it was a little more than what is was before... this person looked very concerned... seemed to be very alarmed... but as he was on His way to see if He could track where it was coming from... he became distracted.... he got caught up with his own life... after all he was a very busy person who had many things to do... and what was once important became something that was eventually placed on the back burner.... Again..... on another occasion... someone walking in the way... saw this same blood.. and immediately stopped... and began to pray... they knew someone had to be injured somewhere.... and their heart was torn by this reality..... they vowed that they wouldnt rest until they were able to track where this blood had been coming from...... They searched and prayed... and they prayed and searched... all their searching... finally led them to this man of God.... The man gathered himself as always... preparring himslef to pray or to release a blessing... and this time the brother called to him and said Pastor please... dont gather yourself..... please just stay right there... the Pastor looked puzzled.... the young man replied... I have WATCHED you for some years now... and I know you to be a true man of God... you have constantly blessed everyone... prayed for everyone... and now I have come that I might bless you..... The Pastor... as he heard this was in total disbelief... tears began to run down his cheeks and drop onto the ground... this man was not only bringing his offering... his gift... his blessing he was bringing healing to a man that happened to be called by God and anointed... that the world had forgot about because of his position and all the uproar that was taking place at that time in the world.... Something happened to that Pastor that day... the bleeding had stopped because someone became more concerned about someone elses issue than their own... Not too long after this man left the Pastor.. who was rejoicng in God like never before because he knew God had sent this young man by the way.... He looked puzzled and wondered why he yet say blood... not too far up the road... he saw a women... on her knees... bowed low... praying... He came to her and whispered as to not disturb her and she looked up and smiled and the young man replied... is it okay if I speak with you for a moment.... This young man began to minister to the Pastor.. he told her all God had placed on his heart.. and said God sent me to bless you... tears swell up in this womans eyes.. speechless as she was... she had set in the way for years... kneeling and praying... she rejoiced in God and the young man noticed that just by him being obedient to God that he had blessed and brought healing to someone who held positions in the body of Christ... he humbled himself and worshipped God... thanking Him for an opprtunity to use him in such a great way... he realized that in his obedience.. not only did he bless them... but in turn he received a much needed blessing... If you have been touched by this story... know that Leaders.. are human.. these two leaders.. were so caught up with their commitments to God... that they werent really paying any attention to their own hurts... their own needs.. their own pain... they just went on.. doing what it is God had called them to do... Who will allow God to raise them up to uphold the these men and women of God.. that God is raising up in this hour? Who will take the charge that God is desiring to lay on somebody shoulders and say God.. I will uphold my leader in this hour realizing that the hour has changed? Who will say I am tired of taking............ and desire to bless those in ministry that has blessed you? Who will remember those who helped them spiritually get to where they are now and honow them not just in word but in deed? How easy is it... to forget about the leaders... those who teach truth.. who are faithful... Pastors after Gods own heart... that He has set over you... who tirelessly watch over your souls.... God is charging the people of God in this hour.. to do things differently... not to just constantly take... not to always be selfish... not to just always be looking for help and a blessing but to be a blessing and bless those who He has set in position to bless you..... This is not just a mere story... so please do not take it lightly... as you will hear many of these words again... It is time to do things differently................ Leadership needs people... who will come to a mature place in God so that they can be of use as they labor to do the will of God... People who will not only obey God when He says they are going to receive a blessing... but will obey God when He tells them to be a blessing.... Many have sat back on God... in their own hearts.. knowing what God said... and refused.. and no one may not had knew but them what God had asked them to do... but often times others in the body.. suffer because of this type of disobedience... God knew and it is time for all of us to become good stewards and obey God in everything that He has given us stewardship over... ~TM2013
Posted on: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 13:43:15 +0000

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