Story about the first Caveman President The first caveman - TopicsExpress


Story about the first Caveman President The first caveman President wasn’t elected to office, he created it! This is how it probably happened. There was probably a caveman community of approximately twenty persons (10 male, 10 female). At first it was controlled by the biggest and strongest caveman. But one of the members using his mind observed behaviors of the group and set out to unseat his rival. This person started to observe behaviors of the other members. He noticed that as they all worked nonstop the leader would relax. He would also always get whatever food he wanted and his choice of the women. Based on all his observations and thought he developed a plan that he intended to share with the others without the leader’s knowledge. This is what we explained to his friends. There are nineteen of us and only one leader that never does anything and that if you would give him a chance he’d fix things. All they had to do would be to follow some simple directions namely that when I snap my fingers all eighteen of you need to be ready to fight for me. He foretold of a confrontation that would occur the next evening and told them to be ready. The next evening the leader (Biff) as always was in the best chair, doing nothing and calling out orders. The leader to be (Shaggy, AKA McFly) approached the leader and said that starting that evening things would be different and told him to get his things and leave the camp. The leader stood and prepared for a fight then and Shaggy snapped his fingers and eighteen others stepped up to also fight (19 to one) and the leader backed down and left. Everyone was ecstatic and a few weeks past. One day the Biff returned looking shook up, weak, malnourished and wanted to speak to Shaggy. He begged for mercy and offered to work hard doing anything asked for just food, water and shelter. Shaggy made a deal… anything I say all day or night if I wish from you for food, water and shelter. An agreement was reached. Because Biff hadn’t developed his mind he had become a slave destined for hard labor for the rest of his life. Just like the others, Shaggy worked did but exclusively focused on thought while he worked. He focused on his thoughts, observations and made plans to conquer his environment and produce easy abundance for all. After a few weeks he concluded the following: while planting corn we have seven people digging furrows, seven people following with seed and seven people covering the seeded furrows. Tillable land was limited and watering the crop was labor intensive as water had to be hauled from a stream a half a mile away. Based solely on his thoughts and ideas this is what he planned. A In the fields We have wheels and if we put a wooden axel between the two wheels we could pull something. We can build a deck eight feet wide on top of the wheels. We can find long poles and sharpen their ends into a tip. We can attach these poles to the deck with tips pointed to the ground a foot apart. We can have Biff pull it across the field. We could create eight furrows at a time quickly. This would free up seven people to do other things. B Solving a water problem He noticed that when the rain came it feel to the ground and always settled in pools or was absorbed by the earth and he wondered where it went. He took two available people and had them start to dig to find out. After a few weeks they discovered large amounts of water in the hole that was next to camp. They figured out how to pull it up. They now had more water than they needed and again saved time not having to tote water from the stream that was half a mile away! More water meant more corn production. C Shaggy also got other available people to clear the land and stock pile wood for the winter and provide shelter material. The next year corn production doubled and the year after it tripled and ultimately quickly began to grow exponentially. Shaggy and his group had a large surplus of grain that provided an opportunity to barter with other communities. He made deals to do what he did in his group for other groups. His group grew from 20 to 40 and then from 40 to 80! Shaggy had his choice of more than 40 women now and built a large family. He taught his children to think like he did. In five years he had 50 children and he and his family dominated the countryside! Survival (ability to adapt) of the fittest can be achieved through proper thought. Shaggy was becoming a King! Through his son in laws he was able develop ideas to contain the stream and create large pools where fish lived and reproduced. It also made a great swimming pool. The water attracted more animals to hunt and capture, confine and breed. By just using his mind, Shaggy mastered his environment and created tremendous wealth for himself, his family and his neighbors!
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 11:03:20 +0000

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