Story time. Are you guys ready for another one. I came across this - TopicsExpress


Story time. Are you guys ready for another one. I came across this video today. It reminded me of Sept. 9th, 2001. Just a couple of days before 9/11 and one of the many, worse days of my life. Ill skip most of the embarrassing parts and move ahead to the part where I was being chased by the VPD. If I remember right, it was about 2 in the afternoon. The Raiders had just beat the Kansas City Chiefs in their season opener 27-24. I was driving and just committed a crime. I dont even remember why, but I was kind of driving around, with no where to go, waiting for the PD to find me. And they did. At first it was one cop. Sirens blaring. The officer was on the loud speaker telling me to pull over. But I kept driving. Nice and steady, paying attention to the speed limit. I probably even used my turn signals when I turned. I was on Parole and I knew I could be heading back to the California Youth Authority. But probably not. This time, I would likely catch a heavier case and be sent up to the big house. A lot was going through my mind. What should I do? I could... nah, not that. Or I could... that probably wont work either. So I just keep driving. Soon there were a half dozen cop cars following me. I was on Ben Maddox Way, getting close to Tulare Ave. My house was not far from here. I figured, if I can get my car into the driveway, maybe they wont impound it? Wishful thinking I guess. As I pulled in, I was quickly surrounded. They were everywhere. Squad cars in a half circle behind me. Even the narcos were there. I could see them all in position in my rear view mirror. Guns drawn and ever so slightly creeping a little bit closer. I turned my, white 1995 Chevy S-10 Blazer, off and opened the door. Get down!! was all I could hear. The sky was clear and the sun was beaming down on me. I could see all of the neighbors peeping out of their windows and even standing out in their front yards watching the action unfold. I didnt really know what to say. I walked towards the back of my car with my hands in the air. Not in the like, I give up, type stance, but more with a posture of, What are you going to do? I looked at each and every one of the more than a dozen cops. Trying to see their eyes behind their sunglasses. I could feel that they were waiting for me to make a sudden move. But I just stood there. Staring. Waiting. And out from behind the GET DOWNS!! came officer B (Im just going to call him Officer B). He stepped up and yelled over the angry voices Put your Guns Down! He was frantically waiving his hand behind him as he approached me. The full wave up and down as he got in between me the dozen or so guns pointing in my direction. Then he addressed me with something like, Batman. Im going to have to take you into custody. But I promise you. No one is going to hurt you. Can you please do this for me? Turn around, put your hands behind your head, get on your knees and wait for me? I was still looking out behind him. I remember the look in his eyes. It wasnt a spoken statement, but I could see and hear it loud and clear. He was telling me, If you dont do what Im telling you to do, right now. These guys are going to shoot you. After a few more seconds, I complied. And it was over. Officer B may have saved my life that day.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 19:57:23 +0000

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