Story time by the old man and a dog. I had friend ask me a few - TopicsExpress


Story time by the old man and a dog. I had friend ask me a few days ago where I came comments. I thought for a while and I replied well I drove a truck for a long time started going with my dad on a 52 ford truck and he taught me how to drive this could take a while will try to hurry but may not be able to. The C B radio became a very popular Thang back in the early 70 s I talked a lot some would say all the time away had a radio that would put out several hundred watts done that because if you didnt have a powerful radio no one would answer me and due to circumstances I needed to know if the dam weight scale was open or closed so I new what to do therefore I had one hell of a radio I became well known for a lot of reasons some not so good many highway heroes probably wanted to talk to but since I never shut up or when I finally got tired which was after a day or so or when we got where we were going . The trouble with my stories it takes a long time to tell but what can I say it took 50 years to do it . Anybody remember what the question was the man asked me . The question . was he asked where I came up with my gift of gab if thats what you want to call it. Some of the responses off the wall never repeated. One liners a lot of guys would rattle off the same lines day after day I was different manly because of a friend of mine that is dead now he became very boring after a few hours so I started talking non stop and when we stopped for a short time to do what we did to keep us on track his wife said I glad someone finally got over on him . believe it or not I was very bashful thank I got over that cant tell all the good stories but you can ask doug about the station wagon and the armadillo theres hundreds of them wonder if people would believe them no reason to lie when the truth is better than anything I could make up One guy was going to whoop thats why my truck had to run fast and did most of them put out anywhere from 600 hp to 1000th thats right ask the guys that new me some of them blew up fairly often but we had a cure for that ask The F B I just happened to be talking to them one fine day you should have heard him laugh thought he was going to cry . Where the hell were we .one other story was in Las Vegas in treasure island was on anything except a natural high shooting craps, way to long to tell with one finger after about two days of none stop play the guys in suits came up to me though for sure that they where fixing to throw me out but to my surprise they offered me a job had to turn it down I was owner operator I had payments to make didnt have time to stop to make millions had to get going especially since I just rolled snake eyes. Might have exaggerated on the millions. My finger is tired and a half inch shorter if you like will write more please comment good or bad I can take it either way thank god he definitely changed my life P S dont try to be like I was many of my friends are gone hope they talked to god before it was to late .got catch another gear .
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 01:49:52 +0000

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