Storyline 45 (A week later) The doctors ran a few more tests - TopicsExpress


Storyline 45 (A week later) The doctors ran a few more tests on me and found that everything was perfectly fine with my pregnancy. Sibu had been released three days before and his parents took him from the hospital. They were also releasing me the next day. After the doctor had told me everything was fine I switched on the hospital tv and watched it coz I had nothing else to do. While I was doing so my mom entered. Mom: Heyy Me: Heyy ma Mom: You feeling good? Me: Awesome actually. They just told me my pregnancy is going well and that the accident didnt put any complications in it. Mom: Hows Sibu? Me: His starting to remember some stuff he was actually here earlier on telling me he dreamt about our wedding day. Mom: Thats wonderful Me: Yeah Im lucky he even remembered me when hed lost his memory. Mom: Yeah. And at least no one was badly injured. So should I came fetch you tomorrow? Me: No the parents inlaw said theyd fetch me. Mom: And your car? Me: Ill go take a look at it tomorrow then sort out insurance stuff. Mom: Okay. Youll call if need anything right? Me: Dont worry about me mom youve done enough already. Traveling here when you dont have money. Mom: Moms sacrifice. We sat there chatting then uncle came in with a huge basket full of goodies. Me: And now? Uncle: Your cousins thought I should bring this in. They left yesterday after they visited you. Me: Ncoooh how cute. Thanks. Uncle: (Whispers in my moms ears) Should we tell her? Mom: (Whispers ) Yess she has to know. Me: Have to know what? Mom: Baby we didnt want to stress you out while you were in hospital. Me: What are you two on about? Uncle: Lebo passed away last week and her funeral was also last week Saturday in Cape Town. Me: AND I WASNT TOLD!! HOW COULD I NOT EVEN GO TO MY OWN BEST FRIENDS FUNERAL? Mom: Calm down baby. We didnt want to stress you out. Please understand. Me: WELL I DONT UNDERSTAND AT ALL. Uncle: Imagine if we stressed you out with the news youd have added more pressure to the pregnancy and there would have been difficulties. I just looked at them both and tears started rolling down my cheeks. I wanted to try understand what they were saying but I was too angry. Wanted not to believe that what they were telling me was true. Mom got up to hug me and I pushed her away. Me: You guys can leave now. Uncle: Theres no need to be mad about this really. Me: JUST LEAVE ME ALONE! They left and I sat there all alone deep in thought. Id been so happy the last couple of weeks while she was probably fighting for her life. I replaced her when she was suppose to be my bridesmaid with Zandile. Maybe this was me being punished for not being with her in Germany. Instead of me being there by her side I was making plans for my life that at some point didnt seem to involve her. I was getting so angry with myself so I decided to kneel down and pray. I prayed and finished pray then lay in bed staring at the ceiling. While I was doing so Sibu entered with a bunch of flowers. Sibu: So I hear my wife is getting discharged tomorrow. Me: Yeah. Sibu: Whats wrong baby? Me: Lebos gone and no one told me. I didnt even go to her funeral. What kind of friend doesnt attend her friends funeral? Sibu: You didnt know so stop beating yourself up about it. Me: I need closure babe and right now I dont have it. Sibu: Stop with the stressing junior doesnt need that right now. Me: Okay. Sibu: I was expecting to find you so grumpy. But I can deal with that. Me: Im sorry but its really hard to forget this. Sibu: I understand. Me: So who brought you here? Sibu: Bra Zax moms driver. Me: Oh Sibu couldnt drive ever since the crash. He was to traumatized. Sibu: So who told you this? Me: My mom and my uncle when they were here earlier on. Sibu: I think they shouldnt have I mean look at you. You could even endanger junior the way your so grumpy. Me: And keep it from me until what? Sibu: Im just saying. Dont bit my head off now. He kissed my forehead and left. And it was back to my angry thoughts about this whole situation.
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 06:52:11 +0000

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