Storytime leading to favor time or hook up time maybe?: Dad - TopicsExpress


Storytime leading to favor time or hook up time maybe?: Dad having major surgery in Charlottesville VA. Sis, Shannon Gray and I wouldnt miss it for anything of course. Just happens to be on the busiest travel week of the year. Dont mind paying for these flights for my whole family but when it is just me it seems a bit much. Thoughts? Pretty sure Shannon Gray can trade miles for house chores and Id be happy to just thank you for a few minutes and watch Shannon do house chores with you. Id even be willing to rent you a couple cute kids to fill in for your Family Thanksgiving dinner. I think Shannon is willing to trade her pretty twins as well since we arent going to be with them, Jake Gray and Lauren Jones shouldnt be either. This is how I ask for favors. Bless you all. Oh, in order. 1. Private jet- just me and shannon and our favorite meats and cheeses, well bring the masseuse. 2. Public jet- Just no one else in it. Id like 52D and Id like like my sis to sit in 3C. We still fight like 3 year olds on road trips. 3. Miles for or stand-by for public airplane- (kinda basic but we would be grateful) 4. Any cool options we dont know about- including wormholes, Tardiss, beaming, etc. Or real ones. 5. A successful and reasonably routine open heart surgery for my dad regardless of what we pay or guilt someone to get there for! Happy Monday yall. Its snowing in Colorado so the world is good. Private message for current pics of all children mentioned above;)
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 22:23:17 +0000

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