Straight Talking: The Letter I Wrote to Jordan Ayew. See - TopicsExpress


Straight Talking: The Letter I Wrote to Jordan Ayew. See Below: Dear Jordan Ayew, I dreamt, you were with me by the beach feeding me chocolate strawberries with your head over looking my face with a beaming face of joy, wiping away the chocolate droplets on my cheeks with your tongue. Whilst laying on the back of my head with crossed legs, slightly hiding something so delicate that you love that i have, i mummered words i cant remember. honey, just what did i say ??? On a field subdued to the whispering wind with nothing else but me and you, its hard to explain what the feeling really is, cos, all else was a blur whilst I concentrated on the wonder and joy of your magnificent manly stuff down there which makes me feel contented. hummm,, gasping for breath, it ‘s impossible to explain further without getting emotional as I desire to feel them in my tender hands. Oh, Jordan Ayew honey, you cannot conceive how I ache to be with you: I have been for days employed in mesmerized of your outstanding properties down there that has got me fixated still now. Ask yourself my love, whether you ‘re not very cruel to have so entrammelled me, so destroyed my freedom. I cant help loving you more than is good for me; but, I shall feel all the happier when I see you, I hope. I want to do things so wild with you that I dont know how to say them-angel. Out of the depths of my happy heart wells a great tide of love and prayer for this priceless treasure that is confided to my lifelong keeping. Something sweeter than anything that is save with me that I long to give it to you, if only I can find you. Oh, sweet butterfly . With surety, my heart has been pounding as if it has been on a race of its own you cannot see its waves as they flow toward you, darling, but in these lines you will hear...the distant beating of its surf from since I set eyes on those your jewels. Today has been a drowsy day as the fasting got hold of me and even when I am not thinking of you, I receive your influence and a tenderer nature stealing upon me. All my thoughts, have I find not at all cured me of my fancy of your jewels down there , but made it so intense that I am miserable that you are not with me: or rather breathe in that dull sort of patience that cannot be called Life without you. Oh, darling Jordan, could you get a bit closer ??? Forgive me if I wander a little for my love is selfish as I envisage those of yours to be mine only because, you have ravishd me away by a Power I cannot resist; and ...yet I could resist till I saw your stuff down there and ever since I have seen them, I have endeavor often to reason against the reasons of my Love for them. I can do that no more - the pain would be too great. My rose , I still remember vividly the moment I first locked eyes on them, I remember thinking to myself , I had definitely been hallucinating, for yours seemed like a vision of perfection to me, so much so that, I felt my heart frozen with a smile . You managed to take my breath away. Is it a spell that you have cast on me ?? I am consumed with imagination of how beautiful your face will be as you are already beautiful below your waist and how joyous to feel to see those eyes I prize above mine and those sweet lips yielding immortal nectar to be gently pressd by not any, but against myself - Think, Jordan, what a feeling it would be beyond expression. Oh dearest, loving you has showed me the world in a new light. I know now how it feels to love someone to the extent of madness and loving someone in a way that surpasses most expectations that one holds for being loved. The kind of love that flows through my heart for you surpasses every other emotion that I have ever known. My dear, cant you feel the same for me ??? I Love you the more in that, I believe you have liked me for my own sake and for nothing else. I never knew before, what such a love as you have made me feel was: I did not believe in it: my Fancy was afraid of it. But if, you will fully love me, though, there may be some fire, I will freely give you my heart and it will be a sensation and a treat to have yours that I will so cared for delicately. As I lay down my pen, will you confess this in the Letter you must write in response to this my letter and do all you can to console me in it- make it rich to intoxicate me- write the softest words and kiss them that I may at least, touch my lips where yours have been. Shall I then go to bed without thinking of you ??? Yours soon to be. Zaina Baezie. ( H.R.H )
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 16:27:18 +0000

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