Straight talking: If youre dating a guy and you havent talked - TopicsExpress


Straight talking: If youre dating a guy and you havent talked about being exclusive, you also have to assume that, what you have with him is not exclusive? Also, you must know, when dating a guy for weeks or months and gotten physically and emotionally close with him but he never talked about your relationship and also keeps a certain distance from you, he isn’t thinking about a bigger commitment with you . How come you done know that ??? Perhaps, you want more from this relationship, So, let get this first, what you want will never happen until you go through the 3 stages of building a real, lasting and committed relationship. But, what are the 3 main stages to building a real and lasting relationship ??? Here is : Stage #1: COURTSHIP You meet a guy and you both connect and are attracted to each other. While you talk to get to know each other, you dont actually talk directly about all the things you really want, think and feel about each other. In fact, more of what is happening is dictated by Non-Verbal Communication than it is by actual verbal communication. This stage determines which of the 2 Roles you will take on as a woman. In one role you may become the convincer meaning- you are the one subtly making sure you spend time together, making sure plans come together... and pursuing him in one way or another, ensuring him you the one for him etc. It can also happen that you take on the role of the resistor. The resistor resists largely in part simply because the other person is playing the role of the Convincer. When one person starts to Convince, the natural human response is to begin to resist. The reason this happen is, when you meet someone, whether youre conscious of it or not, both of you take on roles that relate to each other. This happens naturally without we knowing. So, Pls, allow this natural process to take place but continue the gradual persuasion of convincing the other. A good example in this scenario is the Leader/Follower roles. You get me ??? The Leader can lead very subtly, but they dictate the way other people talk and behave -- including how serious or not serious others are. When a Leader emerges, theres a silent and unspoken non-verbal process that takes place where all the others in the group become followers. We humans dont have to try to figure out these roles and discuss or decide who will be the Leader and others will followers. It just happens in a few split seconds on a very subtle unconscious level. Well, to connect the dots for you... The same kind of thing happens between you and a man. And it happens without either of you even consciously discussing or deciding upon the roles youre going to play. One of the most powerful things you can do in your life and in your relationships is to become more conscious and aware of what roles you are playing this helps the relationship to grow stronger. When you become conscious and you start to choose the roles you want to play -- suddenly you have a lot of personal and creative power. Especially in your love life. In the Courtship phase, being aware of what roles you can play and how to attract a man so that he pursues you, is the thing that really spells success or failure. If a man enjoys the role he gets to play with you, he will grow more physically and emotionally attracted to you and the more he will get to know you and your relationship will then move to the next stage.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Apr 2014 06:36:10 +0000

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