Strainger msg this to me Hello my dear, I thank you once again - TopicsExpress


Strainger msg this to me Hello my dear, I thank you once again for reaching me.I hope you are keeping fine today,as for me,i am not looking fine over here.Really it sounds some how depositing such a big trust to some body that you have never seen in person but one thing you ought to understand is that any body who is into difficult situation may be looking for help from every angle and when i come in contact with you i was some how felt relaxed saying with you that God has answered my fasting and prayers.I was moved.I appreciate your acceptance to assist me to my request as regards to the money and this has made me to get the bank informed in a mail about you, i introduced you to them.I see you as a very nice person whom i can lean upon for trust and support for life.I see you as very responsible,competent and mature enough to assist me to direct my life to a positive direction in life.Please i have not told any one except you about the existence of this money and i will like you to please keep it secret to other people because since it is money i feel all interest will be on it.Remember i trust you that is why i am giving you all this information!. I will like to hear your voice in due cause please,I have informed the bank about my plans to take and transfer this money and the only thing they told me is to look for a very responsible person,who will stand on my behalf as a trustee to this money due to my refugee status and the laws of this country..I have to use this chance to let you know about it,i have decided not to continue staying over here any more, i would like to use this chance get you introduced to the bank as my partner and the person who will be standing on my behalf as regards to this money.In this regards i will like you to contact the bank immediately with their contact information below,please tell them that you are my foreign partner and that you want to know the possibilities of assisting me transfer my (9.4 million USA dollars) Nine Million Four Hundred Thousand USA Dollars) deposited by my late father of which i am the next of kin/beneficiary,to your account in your country.Here is the contact,just send an email to the bank in London.Note the contact information of the bank is below,and i would like you to contact them today for this fund and ask them how this fund will be transferred into your account as my foreign partner,let them know that its Miss : Peace Paschal Armed, instructed to transfer this fund into your account. Below are the bank contact information: ROYAL BANK OF SCOTLAND. Transfer Manager : Sir Philip Hampton Address : 9, High St,Perth,Perthshire PH1 5JS Tel : +447053850218 : +447031817574 Fax : +448447747861 Email : RBSRRoyalBankofScotlandPLC@scotlandmail Email : [email protected] Information about the deposit code are as follows: Name of depositor : Gen, Louis Paschal Armed Nationality : Sudan Next of kin : Miss Peace Paschal Armed Amount deposited : ($9.4 Million USD) Account Number : RBS/745608902546/QB/91/A Or you send your full information for reconfirmation so that i will forward it to bank to make the transfer to your given account in your country. 1.FULL NAME : ........ 2.HOME AND OFFICE ADDRESS : ........ 3.TELEPHONE NUMBER : ........ 4.BANK ACCOUNT INFORMATION : ........ I have map out 5% for every expenses you will make before this transfer and 15% for all your good effort towards my freedom.As i told you before,this orphanage home is just like a prison and my prayers is to move out from here as soon as possible.Please make sure that you contact the bank so that after the transfer you will send some money from my late father money for me to prepare my traveling documents to meet with you in your country.I feel i can make it to join you as soon as you are through with this transfer or you can come down to meet me over here and see how you will assist me to join you.I dont think i will regret being with you in your country,i feel its so better for me to be with you than to be over here,i have made my decision not to continue staying in this orphanage home.I hope you approach this issue as yours,and give an urgent attention,because i am not in good condition and i want to be free in all my life,i so much trust you and i will like you to maintain the trust i have got in you.Honey please keep this transaction secret this is a very huge amount of money.I will not like people to know about this fund because i am afraid to loose my life or the money.I will be waiting to hear from you soonest. Yours in love, Miss : Peace Paschal Armed Respected Sir, I, Mr .......... a permanent resident of ............. wants to put forth the following few lines for your kind Favored and quick necessary action at your end. That Miss Paschal Peace , now living in DAKAR SENEGAL, she is in a refugee status.I am her foreign partner living in ........... Republic l will stand on her behalf. That she is the only next of kin to her late father who has an account in your bank where he had deposited some amount of money for her beloved daughter with Account Number:RBS/745608902546/QB/91/A. I want to know the possibilities of assisting her to transfer the deposited amount of her late father of which she is the next kin to my account in my country. After receiving a reply from you, I will be able to know the procedure and probability of transfer of the amount from your bank to my account. Expecting an early reply, with regards, Yours faithfully, Mr.........
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 22:52:06 +0000

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