Strange as it may seem with myself being the photoshop artist, - TopicsExpress


Strange as it may seem with myself being the photoshop artist, instructor. I am totally against over retouching and really against facial reconstruction in Photoshop. If Im doing a piece of art..thats fantasy and I will do what I feel will make the art better. I have spoke out many times about certain retouching software that changes the structure of eyes, jaw lines, noses and removes freckles. Every time I have seen these ads it turns my stomach. Why? Because it took away the imperfections that make them beautiful. We are not attracted to people in real life and say if I could just photoshop her then I might ask her out. Its crazy. In magazines they are selling the unattainable idea because if they showed what woman really look like then woman would look at themselves and say... I already look that good I dont need that product. Same with commercials, you would think video you could not be photoshopped? Wrong! First the have make up artist that can transform a person with real life photoshop. They are talented and software exist for video these day that the can take it a step further. I dont do much retouching on my clients skin, I mean I take away blemishes. They are a temporary problem the person is going through. My son had a rough time with acne in school and was very self conscious about it and I would remove that. Moles, scars, freckles these are part of our beauty, our rite of passage. I have older clients who want lines remove but I never remove them totally. No one wants plastic skin. Leave the beauty! If you you creating a painting then it is art an interpretation of of life. Stop the over retouching, because your clients dont want it, and you will spend less time editing.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 14:06:43 +0000

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