Strangest thing! This appeared on my phones notes Saturday night. - TopicsExpress


Strangest thing! This appeared on my phones notes Saturday night. No idea how or who put it there!... Intro: YouTube video Speaking about success today have everyone say success. (Joke) always wanted to do that. Touchy subject. Involves doctrine that you have to be careful. Different theologies (prosperity theology and poor theology.) both wrong Video wasnt talking about HOW to be successful. Didnt even mention money Talked about what it TOOK to be successful. (Describe) Lets find a healthy viewpoint on success. Part One. Definition of Success. Definition of success according to Webster The fact of getting or achieving wealth, respect, and fame. #1 definition is about money. People think no money = failure Wealth actually is not the TRUE meaning of success. Success appeared in year 1535. Only used as the RESULT of something (positive or negative.) IT WAS ONLY THE RESULT OF AN ATTEMPT. IF YOU ATTEMPTED, YOU WERE SUCCESSFUL. THE ONLY WAY NOT TO BE SUCCESSFUL WAS TO NOT EVEN TRY. Part Two. Biblical Success What is biblical success? This is where theology and emotional needs get in the way. (Prosperity theology and being poor) Original definition of success JEREMIAH 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you, says The Lord. Plans to help you not to harm you. Plans to give you a future and a hope. What do we see from this verse. 1. God is a promoter of success. He WANTS you to succeed and planned for it. 2. Its impossible without Him. He gives you a future and a hope, you dont do it on your own. 3. You find success His way. HE has plans for YOU, not the other way around. You dont get to tell God what to do and how to work. (Examples) 4. Neglects money and neglects material wealth of any kind there. 5. It doesnt say its easy. Best definition measure of success is simply the ratio of talents used to talents received. Part Three. The Why. Why am I talking about success? There is a reason for us to be successful. To use our talents for God. We dont have to settle for ok. Being content with what we have is fine Settling for less then Gods best for us is not fine All of us have dreams. God wants all of us to pursue those passions and ambitions He gave them to us for a reason Problem = we are either lazy or scared or both Success is not easy for anyone Elaborate on fear and laziness (procrastination) Philippians 4:13 We want it, but dont REALLY want it, just kind of want it. Not talking about money (mother Theresa example) Part 4. Bible Talk. David Psalms 38 Oh Lord, rebuke me not in your anger, Nor discipline me in your wrath! For your arrows have sunk in to me, And your hand has come down on me. There is no soundness in my flesh Because of your indignation; There is no health in my bones Because of my sin For my iniquities have gone over my head; Like a heavy burden, they are too heavy for me. Gone through serious pain (one psalm of several sad ones) Yet He was called a man after Gods own heart. That was his title. What he was known by. Wasnt about the money or riches and glory Wasnt titled David: a man with tons if dough His success was in the Lord and chasing Him. That is the ultimate success. Talk about Joseph. Part Five. Two Points. #1. Success is in HIS strength. Joseph never tried to do anything on his own. He never even complained. YOU CANT BE UPSET WITH THE RESULTS YOU DIDNT GET FROM THE WORK YOU DIDNT DO. Romans 8:28 promises that God helps us. Story of Coco and me (if shes worth it, keep going.) #2. Success is not about us. Call of Abram Genesis 12. Blessed to be a blessing. Success, motivation, even prosperity is not about us. Clayton and me working out story. Have a busy personal life. For 1-2 hours, we are with the lost in there area. God blessed us there. Do we have to work hard when we go? No (but God gave us that ministry and we do it 100%) People respect those who work hard at the gym. Part Six. Last Call. What is God calling you to do? Let go of stuff weighing you down. Find success in Him.
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 18:52:59 +0000

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