Strap yourselves in and hang on tight, Im going to take your mind - TopicsExpress


Strap yourselves in and hang on tight, Im going to take your mind for a little test drive. Now here is my dilemma - do I get out on the river tonight or wait until early in the morning ? If I miss the Star Gate I could miss seeing the angelic beings that could come through. Now I know what your thinking because Im inside your head already. I hacked your computer while you were asleep, and installed spyware. I am now able to monitor everything you that you eat, sleep, or do, in case you have wondered who watches the watchers - now you know. Most of the people employed by the NSA dont eat very well and they dont get enough sleep making it easy for me to out fox them at every turn. Now, here is how this works - I throw out a tracer, they jump on it and follow it not knowing its net drone with a fixed zone orifice set up to go no where, taking them in circles chasing their tails all through the night. I can tie up thousands of their computers with just one of these guys, only I send out 50 thousand every 15 seconds allowing me to maneuver all through cyberspace undetected cloaked in secrecy so advanced that even the worlds best super - computers cannot follow me. I monitor them with technology I invented that can actually reprogram itself and come back to me in many forms with encryption software so advanced that Steve Everman cant even decipher it. For those of you that dont know Steve is an alien, he was born with 7 heads and 3 tails. He took on his current form at age 5 and has been a psychologist ever since with the ability to see in front and behind himself simultaneously. Now I know at this point your head must be spinning because John Winburn just got home last night and may be running for Governor soon, please send all your tax deductible donations to Janice Winburn until further notice. Now if you stand up and count to 50 as fast as you can and then sit back down and ask yourself is this guy for real ? No, this has been a test run of the emergency broadcast system - thank you for your attention, you may relax now and go back to scrolling...:]
Posted on: Fri, 23 May 2014 00:12:23 +0000

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