Straw Tuesday #23 INTUITION, GUT FEELING or just plain CRAZY? - TopicsExpress


Straw Tuesday #23 INTUITION, GUT FEELING or just plain CRAZY? Do you ever get a strong feeling or intuition about a situation or action needing to happen? Ever hear a small yet persistent voice inside your head? Do you listen to it, act on it, or just dismiss it as paranoia? Late Sunday night on October 5th, CC kept getting a feeling or internal message to go check on the horses. The EAP herd has been turned out for the past month enjoying the fall temperatures. At around 11pm there was this persistent and precise feeling, an internal voice that kept nagging to go check the horses... That evening at dinner time they were all fine, the temperature was to drop some into the 30s so we put a sheet on Spring to block the wind. There is a form of therapy to enjoy on summer nights to go out to the herd and sit with them under the moon and the stars. On this night it was chilly and late, so not really wanting to go all the way out there... Yet, this feeling would not leave. Out of needing to quiet it down took action. At 1230p Spring was found down an not doing very well! The next hour was spent to call in a vet, get him up and provide all possible help. He had developed a mild impaction colic which with help showed to manage passage by Tuesday am. If not caught early enough and he had remained down on the cool ground all night it could have been a very different outcome! Straw and Spring are colleagues, equals and very much alike in personality. Bold, strong, very wise, very stoic, wry sense of humor...and truly brilliant EAP horses! There is no doubt that Momma Straws spirit watches over her herd mates. So the question is, did she summon help for the chief to save his life? Did this gut feeling or intuition come from a guardian angel friend? How else did this nagging urging keep going strong enough to not be missed but soft enough to make it seem real? Do you ever get intuitive messages? What do you do with them or about them? Wouldnt it seem fair to take heed? If its incorrect maybe you expend unnecessary effort, yet if correct how much gratitude comes in for listening, believing and taking action. What if it becomes a life or death move? There is no real way to prove that Straw created an inner voice to protect a tragedy this weekend, but there is also no proof to say she didnt either. Regardless a message came to CC and probably bc she IS a little neurotic about the horses care acted on it, and it proved to be worth the effort. Have you ever followed an intuition or inner voice that may have sounded frivolous at first only to learn that it couldnt have been more real or serious? Arent you glad you did!? THANK YOU STRAW. Thank you to the angels who would not give up to reach a human to follow through and take the steps to check it out so help could be called in. In gratitude (Straw angel).
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 05:28:19 +0000

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